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Viticulture Software

44 software items found
  • based in USA

    Control all operations in a milking parlor. Get an automated report about. all the protocol deviations happening in your milking facility. To enhance the quality of our services, at Cattle Care we offer a free demonstration to our prospective clients showcasing the capabilities of our ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Thanks to the Oenoterris Fleur and Oenoterris® Aroma nutritional biostimulants, the White and Rosé Programmes promote the synthesis of thiol precursors by stengthening the plant’s resistance to stress and by limiting asynchrony issues. The figure opposite illustrates the increase in these levels and shows that the median and mean concentrations of cysteine precursors observed in ...

  • ZENDO Lims® is an advanced management software in the cloud , designed to facilitate and provide greater flexibility to Oenology ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Thanks to the Oenoterris® Fleur and Oenoterris® Expression nutritional biostimulants, theRed Programme ensures the homogeneity of the phenolic maturity by stengthening the plant’s resistance to stress and by limiting asynchrony issues. The application of the Red Programme results in higher polyphenol concentration in the musts (tannins and total anthocyanins). The graph on the right ...

  • For a long time the data that was most vital to running your business, to making the big decisions, was stuck on your server. It was great for processing orders but you needed more. And now Orion is proud to announce WiMS Cloud. In Phase 1 of the cloud enablement of WiMS, all of your wholesale customer, order and product data will now be automatically synchronized with our new cloud-based ...

  • More and more, in this landscape of consolidation, wineries are relying upon consumer direct and point-of-sale to increase profitability and brand awareness. At Orion Wine Software, we are proud to showcase WiMS Consumer Direct/POS Management, which offers across-the-board functions in these key areas. A complete retail solution, this robust business application supports all types of consumer ...

  • based in CANADA

    Maximize your grape quality and yield with the world’s most advanced measurement of vine health. With VineView’s suite of scientifically-calibrated vine vigor maps you get insightful, timely information to improve grape quality and yield, and reduce costs associated with: Harvest Segmentation; Locate areas in your parcels to increase and improve the production of premium grapes and ...

  • based in GERMANY

    We provide image recognition software and cloud infrastructure for data analysis and storage. Our platform is used by hundreds of customers worldwide and is also available for partners to host or integrate their own image analysis pipeline. This can be done via our API for existing imaging solutions or with a new custom ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    This package offers horticulture growers the most accurate and comprehensive package for trees and vineyards. With this package you will receive the information in real time from your infield sensors, processed by our industry leading software and irrigation specialists into a 7 day irrigation scheduling forecast in mm or h to your phone or PC. Additional information displayed includes season ...

  • based in NEW ZEALAND

    ABCgrower is the cloud-based software solution for digital record keeping on-farm, recording real-time harvest tracking, inventory management and non-harvest time and task capture. Managing labour output, either by piecework or hourly, casual or permanent, by employees or contractors, ABCgrower streamlines the management of labour and reduces the amount of admin and paperwork. It’s an ...

  • based in ITALY

    Rovitis 4.0 is the project that actually Azienda Agricola Pantano is leading. The project is founded by Veneto region and aims at obtaining a more robust and usable machine, ...

  • based in SLOVENIA

    All from Professional, plus: Plan and manage work teams intelligently. Track seasonal worker performance and calculate their payrolls. Track equipment and ...

  • based in FRANCE

    From planting to harvest, enter your interventions, consult and analyse all your agronomic data at the office or in the field. With agreo / atland, gain in working comfort and productivity each day. ...

  • Manufactured by Ondo Ltd.
    based in BULGARIA

    Intelligent irrigation management system, precise plant nutrition control, monitoring system and wireless valve control for vineyards of more than 15 ha. ...

  • based in NORWAY

    Have better control over your daily farm operations with technology that is easy to use and safe. Get started for ...

  • Orion understands that your enterprise-size winery needs to effectively manage and track production across brands, plants and even wine-growing regions. WiPS meets those needs by providing a multi-plant, multi-brand database framework that supports a broad range of tightly integrated, feature-rich functionalities each driven by table-based, user-defined business rules. ...

  • based in USA

    The IPM forecasting Module for Grapes provides the final step in linking your weather data to actual pest risk, giving you a powerful new tool in the battle against crop pest ...

  • based in USA

    Simplify crop planning, tracking & harvesting; Project crop yields, income amounts and seed orders. Manage everything from annual & perennial fruits and vegetables to orchards, vineyards and cut flowers. Easily visualize the season from start to finish Auto-create planting & harvest tasks for your fields Print and share your planting ...

  • based in FRANCE

    The solution you need: Just like most of the best wine producers in the world, choose ISAGRI as your partner to manage your production from the grape to the bottle, and benefit from years of experience of one of the global leaders in winemaking software. ISAGRI helps you to simplify your winery ...

  • based in KOSOVO

    Kosovo Vineyard Cadastre and Wine Quality Control System is an application built by Geo&Land as part of a project “Maintenance, expansion and enhancement of Vineyards and wine industry in the vineyard region in Kosovo” with the Ministry of Agriculture. Geo&Land modified it into making it a unique application for vineyards and wines. It consisted of creating digital maps of the ...

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