Viticulture Product Applications
Determination of organic acids in beverage
The method allows determination of organic acids, in soft drinks (juices, fizz drinks) and alcoholic drinks (wines, beer). ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Determination of D- and L-isomers of tartaric and malic acids in wines, wine materials, and food additive
Naturally occurred is predominantly L-form of tartaric acid whereas its D-form and the relevant racemic mixture can be artificially synthesized. Generally, artificial acidification of wine with tartaric acid is allowed by OIV, but only pure L-form must be used for this purpose. Thus the analysis of tartaric acid isomers either in food additives or directly in wine can be an important parameter in clarifying any deviations in wine production. Analysis of isomers of malic acid is also within the necessary ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Identification and determination of synthetic dyes in soft and alcoholic drinks
The method allows identification and determination of synthetic dyes in samples of soft and alcoholic drinks by capillary electrophoresis. ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Determination of fructose, glucose, and saccharose in beverages, fruit and vegetable products, honey, and bioactive food additives
Introduction The technical directives and regulatory requirements specify the total content and relative contents of fructose, glucose and saccharose in juices, nonalcoholic and alcoholic beverages (incl. wines and winemaking materials), fruit and vegetable products, honey, and bioactive food additives. ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Determination of vanillin, sinapic, coniferyl, and syringic aldehydes in brandies and brandy spirits
The presence or absence of aromatic aldehydes (vanillin, sinapic, coniferyl and syringic aldehydes) in a sample and also their weight content and proportion allows determination of authenticity and quality of brandies and brandy spirits, and revealing a counterfeit. Together with aromatic aldehydes, it is possible to determine phenolcarbolic acids, such as sinapic, syringic, ferulic, salicylic, cumaric, vanillic, ellagic, p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, gallic, protocatechuic. Identification and weight content of these ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Determination of organic acids and some preservatives in wine and spirits
The organic acids profile in wine is a highly informative parameter since it reveals important features of the whole technological process. It is also one of the most important criteria for wine authentication. In spirits like cognac, brandy or whiskey, the presence of certain organic acids can indicate the violation of distillation or maturation processes or reveal the tendency to precipitate during storage. Some organic acids (sorbic, benzoic, ascorbic) can serve as preservatives; their presence is strictly ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Determination of organic acids in feedstuffs and fodder additives
Introduction The method is used for the determination of the mass concentration of oxalic, formic, fumaric, succinic, malic, citric, acetic, propionic, lactic, benzoic, sorbic, butyric acids in fodder additives and butyric acid in silage and haylage by capillary ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Determination of bitter iso- alpha-acids and alpha- and beta-hop acids in beer
It is important to quantify α- and β-hop acids (humulons and lupulons) as well as bitter iso- α-acids (isohumulons) on the all stages of beer production. Hop acids are the biochemical markers of a certain hop type. Bitter iso- α-acids stabilize the beer foam, suppress the growth of undesirable microorganisms and give the beer its bitter taste. ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Industrial valve solutions for food & beverage industry
Industrial valve solutions for food & beverage ...
By Alloy Valves and Control, Inc. (AVCO) based in Santa Ana, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Belt presses for fruit juice & beverage
Beverage Production: High Quality And Improved Profitability. Mechanical separation technology in the manufacture of beverages optimises yield while guaranteeing consistent ...
By Flottweg SE based in Vilsbiburg, GERMANY.
Data loggers and data acquisition monitoring solutions for the agriculture industries
Common applications in the agriculture industries include cold chain monitoring, quality assurance, monitoring pest control effectiveness, temperature and humidity profiling crops, wine growing, and many more. We supply the suppliers with the most reliable selection of temperature and humidity data loggers ...
By CAS DataLoggers based in Chesterland, OHIO (USA).
Micro-irrigation systems for tree crops
The complete Plastic-Puglia systems for irrigation and fertigation of tree crops (such as hazelnuts, citrus groves, olive groves, vineyards) allow a greater yield of the crops and a saving on the available ...
By Plastic Puglia based in Monopoli, ITALY.
Evaporators and concentrators for enology (wine production)
Enrichment of the ...
By Eco-Techno SRL. based in Busnago MB, ITALY.
Training and Capacity Development Programs for Kitchen & Dining Industry
The kitchen is an essential part of a home, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, etc. for food preparation. Kitchen products to be used have to be utilitarian, practical, convenient and sophisticated. Kitchenware is products that involve mechanism or design explaining its functioning that is sometimes not very easily understood by buyers. Here, they are properly displayed and described enough for the customer to understand them before ...
By National Institute of Disaster Management based in New Delhi, INDIA.
Industrial filtration solutions for food industry
Production of soup, soup flavours, rice noodles, sugar, vegetable oil, fruit juice, wine, yeast, starch, beer, gelatine, agar-agar ...
By JVK Filtration Systems GmbH based in Georgensgmünd, GERMANY.
Walnut shells solutions for brewery & winery industry
Water storage tanks are commonly used in breweries, wineries, and distilleries for a variety of applications. In addition to the common practice of rainwater harvesting, irrigation or fire protection, these tanks can be used to store purified water used in the production process as well as re-purifying excess water before it enters the drainage ...
By Water Storage Tanks, Inc. based in Austin, TEXAS (USA).
Tube Bending & Pipe Welding Technology for Foodstuffs Industry
Whether in the dairy industry, in processes such as pasteurising, in the brewing industry in the thermal treatment of wort, yeast, mash or in the fruit juice & drinks industry, conservation of juices, fruit concentrates, sugar solutions, tea and soft drinks – tube coil systems from TUBE-TEC find use in more ways than you can ...
By Tube-Tec Rohrverformungstechnik GmbH based in Nistertal, GERMANY.
Effective Cleaning of Plumbing & Disinfection of Water for Cabbage
The use of Puroxi (OB) for cabbage is an important "tool" to improve the quality of the most important nutrient - water. Doing a water analysis prior to any application is highly recommended. The use of Puroxi (OB) Water in the germination process has proven to help with cabbageworm and other issues like bacteria, etc. It also accelerates the germination process. Puroxi (OB) Water proved to be very effective in controlling bacterial concerns by using a solution in the germination process as a preventative measure. ...
By Puroxi Pure Water Global Inc. based in , BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Irrigation solutions for Vineyard crops
Grapevine is a deciduous bush belonging to Vitaceas family. Its scientific name is Vitis vinífera. Its economic importance is due to its fruit, the grape, used so much for direct consumption as fermented to produce wine. ...
By Sistema AZUD, S.A. based in Alcantarilla, SPAIN.
Agriculture & Horticulture
Hydroponics, Cereal crops, Horticulture and Vegetables and Control of filamentous algal blooms on lakes, lagoons and ...
By Cleveland Biotech Ltd. based in Cardiff, UNITED KINGDOM.
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