Agricultural Training Courses
PremiumManufactured by Analytik Jena - an EndressHauser Companybased in GERMANY
In this web seminar Analytik Jena presents a variety of solutions for the chemical and biological analysis of dairy products. All technologies and methods are suitable for routine analysis in an industrial context as well as for special analysis tasks. Learn how you can determine elements like chlorine (Cl), nitrogen (N) or sulphur (S) and various macro and trace elements reliably and fast. In ...
Premiumbased in INDIA
Make the most of Eka’s cloud platform with Ekademy. What’s your learning style? Ekademy is Eka’s rich education portal which is a cornerstone of the company’s client-centric approach. Read more at and ...
Manufactured by Skov A/Sbased in DENMARK
Three crucial factors enable SKOV’s service technicians to provide the best service. SKOV service technicians undergo thorough training and have several years of experience in climate and production control. All service technicians at SKOV have fundamental knowledge of animal production, so that they are able to consider climate and production control in relation to animal behaviour and ...
Manufactured by Westlandse Project Combinatie B.V.based in NETHERLANDS
A good design, selecting the right suppliers and a well managed building period do not guarantee high quality products and yields as were envisaged. Training and education of employees, staff and management are essential. They have to learn how to deal with the new equipment, techniques and cultivation ...
When observing cows always ask yourself 3 questions: What do I see? Why has this happened? What does it mean? In this training you learn about the six freedoms of pasture: feed, water, light, air, rest and space. You learn how to get healthy and stress-free cows. End game: prolong your cows longevity from 3 to 5 lactations. ...
based in USA
Learn how to set up reproductive management for cows and heifers and how to evaluate the herd's reproduction in ...
CEA offers both generic and bespoke training courses on the environmental risk assessment process for veterinary and human medicines. We can provide training on standard Phase II environmental risk assessments through to conducting higher tier refinements (e.g. FOCUS surface water and groundwater ...
based in INDIA
IOSH Level 3 Certification in Health & Safety for Business. This is a unique qualification by covering both technical elements and business skills required by employees to enhance their OSH culture. It is cost effective, time efficient and regulated by OFQUAL. Assessment is based on project and practical work. Delegates who achieve this qualification will have greater credibility & ...
Warning: this online training will open your eyes to how you run your farm. It's full of sensible tips on how to improve the rearing of calves and yearlings. This video training explains clearly, in both theoretical presentations as practical with video lessons from the farm. Young stock rearing costs around 3 cent per liter of milk on a well-run farm, as against 5 cent on a poorly run farm. To ...
based in USA
Have you found that training staff on live equipment isn't always easy. Not only is it impractical, but it leaves little room for error. That's why Innovative Automation, Inc. decided that Training Simulatorswould be an excellent addition to our extensive range of training ...
based in USA
International Food Laws and Regulations, FSC 810, Section 730. This is a 3 credit hour, graduate level, Internet-based, college course offered by Michigan State University designed for those who must understand the legal and regulatory complexities of the flow of food and agricultural products across national boundaries. International Food Laws and Regulations is one in our series of ...
We provide our clients with a unique technique for the vaccination of fish and it is our aim to see continued improvement in the aquaculture industry. As such, we are committed to sharing the best practice procedures that we have been developing since 1996. Since 1996 we have vaccinated over 700 million vaccinated fish, we have refined and perfected our systems, routines and techniques for the ...
For a little over 5 decades, IRRI has been the home of the most brilliant minds in the field of rice research and agriculture. Scientists in the thousands from all across the globe had been trained at IRRI, and later on became leaders and policy makers in their fields and home countries. IRRI offers intensive training in rice research with the goal of empowering scientists, farmers, and other ...
The management and Team Leaders in SCOTVAX have many years experience working with the leading fish farm companies, world-wide. From hand vaccinating to maintenance of vaccinating machines, fish farm husbandry in hatcheries and sea sites, to fish harvesting; our team have the expert credentials to assist your business. By sharing best practice and working closely with veterinaries and a leading ...
based in USA
The California Compost Manufacturing: Principles & Practices (CM:PP) course consists of a two day Livestream course and an optional third day Facility Tour (self-driven) which is designed to expand or refresh your knowledge of the compost production process and begin your certification as a composting industry professional. The course is best suited for those who need an in-depth ...
BAGMA Tractor Trailer Inspection and Brake Testing Course. A comprehensive training course for competent technicians with proven technical knowledge and experience of either agricultural or related off-highway vehicles. Intended to train technicians to deliver the new BAGMA Agricultural Tractor Trailer Scheme (ATTS), this new two-day course will train and enable a competent technician to:- ...
based in CANADA
Employers have an obligation to make sure that all workers have the ability to do their jobs safely. Being impaired at work – whether caused by alcohol, drugs, or another source – can affect our ability to focus, make decisions, follow instructions, and handle equipment and tools. This course focuses on impairment and the steps a workplace can take to address this issue, using ...
based in USA
We educate consumers, farmers, producers, retailers, chefs and culinary professionals on topics such as the health and nutritional benefits of extra virgin olive oil, what to look for when purchasing extra virgin olive oil, how to taste oils, how to market and sell oils, and tips for the ...
The aim of AEA Training for Business is to provide business (non technical) training opportunities to AEA members and their dealers and the industry as a whole, the objective being to raise the business skills within the industry, particularly supporting the training of junior and middle management staff. MEA members receive a 20% discount on AEA Training for Business courses . The next training ...
Manufactured by INNARI Innovation Nature Irrigation GmbHbased in GERMANY
The concept of underground irrigation is new to many farmers and other users. The application of the technique must be correct in order to achieve optimal results. The fact that due to the subterrean irrigation you cannot see that the soil is irrigated, often leads to irritation and the false assumption that the plant would not get enough water. Consequently, the training by our professional ...
Need help finding the right suppliers? Try XPRT Sourcing. Let the XPRTs do the work for you