Agricultural Software
PremiumManufactured by Zeltex LLCbased in USA
Field Trace is the cloud software that connects your Dinamica Generale smart devices such as NIR sensors, Kali Connection Hub and Field track app to manage precision farming data and display the most valued information from every field to optimize crop yelds and next season treatments. ...
PremiumManufactured by UP Umweltanalytische Produkte GmbHbased in GERMANY
Easy to use – easy to fit your requirements – export to MS-Excel. Around production and marketing of fruit andvegetables a lot of measurments are carriedout that create a lot of data. Our Fruitsoft-Database is the perfect tool to collect all thisdata for further evaluation and ...
PremiumManufactured by UP Umweltanalytische Produkte GmbHbased in GERMANY
PROSA Professional-Sapflow-Evaluation Software - With the PROSA-App we have developed a tool which allows the comfortable evaluation and visualization of measured values from sap flow sensors, dendrometers etc.. Embedded in the user administration of our WEBvis solution, data can be selected from the WEBvis environment or external measured values can be uploaded. For the calculation of the sap ...
Premiumbased in INDIA
‘Simplify integration for accelerated value through open APIs and prepackaged connectors.’ With ’The Eka Cloud Platform modernizes your infrastructure and digitally transforms your business with seamless collaboration, workflow and integrated data between the front, middle and back office. Its extensible and modular architecture enables rapid application development for ...
PremiumManufactured by Eliopig S.r.l.based in ITALY
Automatic control unit for green maize (mash). It carries out the automatic calculation of the quantities according to daily needs. Management of up to 4 working hours and 4 ...
PremiumManufactured by Zeltex LLCbased in USA
Precise application of slurry according to pre-determined crop nutrient requirements and regulations is now possibile using EvoNIR Near Infrared analyzer. The same EvoNIR system applied to harvesting equipment for crop analysis can be installed on slurry tankers for measuring N,P,K. ...
PremiumManufactured by UP Umweltanalytische Produkte GmbHbased in GERMANY
FTA Scientific is a convenient and clear structured GUI application to configure, run, display and evaluate GUSS FTA instrument ...
Manufactured by Cattle Watchbased in SOUTH AFRICA
When herd is roaming from one grazing area to another dedicate satellite collar is mount on few cattle of the herd to control the herd during the ...
based in AUSTRALIA
Consignment Notes: Choose from a detailed or summary format. Include your logo. Select one pallet to be consigned to a customer and all other pallets in stock that are consigned to that customer will be included. Total Traceability: With every batch you process, you will know who picked it, what block it came from, how many kg’s were tipped, what consignments it went on and to which ...
THE LIVE MARKET AT YOUR FINGERTIPS; Effortlessly find competitive quotes for your inputs, and place orders through our free online ...
based in INDIA
The Order Entry module provides tremendous versatility, control, and power over sales and order entry policies. Aiming at superior customer service and simpler Order–to-cash cycle, PoultryCare facilitates quick order creation, instant picking, packing and shipment, contract definition, pricing and discounts that too quantity, Customer and Customer Class wise ...
by Sensawaybased in PORTUGAL
Our platform will connect to your SCADA system and will show you real-time information on your operations. If a pond equipment usage varies significantly, or if it's too much for your current biomass, we will give you a heads ...
based in INDIA
Personalized and better relationship with customers is the key to the success for an organization. Considering every customer as unique and not a part of a group, we approach them with marketing plan based on their buying habits. This effective and one-to-one service increases the opportunity for sales and efficiency of customer service. Managing all aspects, PoultryCare CRM is significantly ...
Manufactured by Eaton Corporationbased in USA
FC2 mobile app quickly delivers fault current calculations in the palm of your ...
Manufactured by Mooij Agro B.V.based in NETHERLANDS
The remote app allows you to remotely control the Croptimiz-r with a smartphone or tablet. You can view and change all the controls remotely, 24/7. This means you are always aware of the conditions in your store, no matter where you are. The app's screen layout is exactly the same as that on your touchscreen computer. This makes the Croptimiz-r remote app very user-friendly and gives you total ...
Manufactured by Grow Glidebased in USA
Get a complete 360 degree, up-to-the-minute view of your entire organization and each team member. Determine which strains and which team members are making your business the most revenue. Adjust your organization to maximize profits while minimizing costs, time, overhead and ...
by Herdwatchbased in IRELAND
Suckler farmers save 3 hours per week on average recording farm events with the Herdwatch farm management app. Herdwatch allows farmers to record remedies and/or farm purchases on the ...
based in USA
Take your vital drug treatment tasks cow side with the Pocket Rx-Plus™ ...
based in USA
Cow Sense has long been recognized as the leader in herd management solutions for the cow-calf industry. We have been electronically exchanging individual animal data with feedlots since 1998. With today’s challenges facing the beef industry including source and process verification, we have expanded, improved and simplified our data exchange capabilities through Beef STAR® data ...
by Farmbritebased in USA
Farmbrite's animal and livestock management features provide a daily and yearly view into your livestock. Keep all of your important documents and images, as well as notes in one secure place and access it easily from anywhere. Create and print out pedigree charts with your farm information during a sale. View your livestock, profits and yields, calendar events and animal specific documentation ...
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