
- Double Roller Mill WS-L

The laboratory version of our two-roller mill is additionally equipped with a feed hopper, a base frame with collecting box and the control system, so that it is delivered ready for connection.
Our Roller Mills have an innovative app control, a continuously adjustable roller gap, a reversible overload protection, a high force transmission into the moving crushing roller and a suction connection. The grinding chamber is easy to inspect and clean thanks to the hinged upper part of the grinder housing. Crushing & milling with low contamination is ensured with crushing rollers made of cast steel, tungsten carbide or aluminum oxide.
Brittle materials such as ores, slag, glass, ceramics, battery materials, limestone, etc. can be crushed up to a Mohs hardness of approx. 8.5 with the two-roller mills. Depending on the material and size of the mill, comminution ratios of 1:2, ... , 1:5, max. up to approx. 1:20 can be achieved.

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