Shengde - Model HLPG - Animal/Pet Incinerator
From Incinerator
This set of equipment realizes the high temperature inactivation, sterilization and disinfection, harmlessness, and stability treatment of animal carcasses to prevent the second spread of germs. It is an ideal choice for animal carcasses treatment in farms, slaughterhouses, pet hospitals, zoos.
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Products Details
- Structure: Horizontal
- Dimensions (mm): 1080*680*700-2850*1750*1720 (customizable)
- Power (kw): 0.44-3.51 (customizable)
- Chimney (mm): Φ140*6m-Φ620*6m (customizable)
- breeding farms
- slaughterhouses
- livestock farms
- pet hospitals
- zoos
- Sick and dead pigs
- Sick dead cattle and sheep
- Sick dead chickens, ducks, geese
- Sick dead pet cats
- Sick dead pet dogs
Smokeless and odorless, meeting emission standards
The emission from the incinerator is smokeless and odorless, meeting the emission standards.
High temperature pyrolysis gasification technology
New high-temperature pyrolysis gasification technology, high-temperature incineration treatment, safe and pollution-free.
Simple structure and easy operation
Automatic control system, automatic temperature control, digital display, easy to operate and use.
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