Model M6400 - Chemical Reactors
The innovation of the reactor as a substituent of the tower of cooking leads to enormous advantages. These reactors are equipped with load cells (control the weight of cereals, water, steam, salt…). It is in fact more controllable from the Tower, since (thanks to a program) it is possible to see the total weight and moisture entry and exit. Moreover in these reactors is possible to unite to water (which will be used for cooking) elements such as salt, sugar, malt extract, glucose… so as to obtain a specific type of cereal. This machine, therefore, can perform both the Thermo-Flaked that seed treatment integers (buck wheat, chickpeas, legumes…) without the use of the rolling mill. Once they get all the components, including the vapor, the temperature will be Max. 110°C and the pressure of Max 0.5 bar (for European standards PED). The steam arrived in the reactor condensate and baked cereals inside.
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The present reactor relates cooking seeds (cereals, legumes or similar) The cooking of seeds is a treatment temperature of 95-110°C at a relative humidity of 20%minimum and 80%maximum.
- cooking starchy seeds (corn, rice, barley, spelt, rye, oats, sorghum, quinoa, wheat, millet, …), and in particular the so-called flaking, (treatment of starch is not soluble (glucose polymer) a soluble glucose) is a treatment for food animals or human consumption (flakes, instant cornmeal mush, macaroni of maize and rice (spaghetti, macaroni,…),…). The humidity of the starchy seeds with flakes is 20-30%. The starchy semi cooked with humidity 20-30% are processed for 50% glucose; to transform 100% in glucose is necessary a mill.
- With this new cooking system it is possible to cook the starchy (with 40-80% moisture) transforming 100% starch into glucose without mill, then with the possibility of having seeds whole and not crushed, as for example the whole corn salad or wheat for breakfast used in France. You can also produce instant semolina for polenta or semolina pasta of maize and rice.
- Another use of this new system is the milk production of various seeds and leguminous (soya), almonds and rice (cereals). For this type of production it is necessary that the product be moist between 60-80%, then it is milled and extract the milk. The slag will be composed of fibers.
- For the production of buckwheat edible: this seed possesses a solid bark inside which there is present the flour of starch (glucose polymer). When it is cooked with hot water and steam the starch is converted into glucose with a moisture content of between 40-60%. The subsequent drying of this product crystallizes in the flour and the seed becomes like rice. This product is very used by Slavs.
- This new plant also has many other applications for seeds.
To measure the glucose soluble after cooking is necessary to produce a flour.
Then it is necessary to mix the flour with water by weight. The percentage of semolina and water is:
25% semolina and 75% water.
This paste is subjected to a measurement of viscosity. In the technical language this viscosity measurement is called gelatinization
To reduce the costs of production rather than to cook the product with the water bath method (Use only steam in a jacket) we have conceived a new method. This method consists in reintroducing in reactor hot water between 70-100°C and then subsequently at a time calculated by the PLC, introduce steam. With this system you will get a humidity and a calculated temperature and the optimal energy.
The vegetable carbonize at a temperature of 140° and it is therefore necessary to include a baking below 110-120°C.
Machine Path
The path traced by the C.M.F. is made visible by the description which follows. It is the association of principles of traditional machines and advanced mechanisms highly innovative. The constant is the minimization of the impact on the overall production costs.
Working Steps:
- Cereals and pulses, after the first few treatments of cleaning and separation from dust, are ready to be transformed into. Quality products, as well as required by farmers from cereal sector and from feed producers.
- Cereals and legumes for food industry, on the other hand, undergo a cleaning treatment, shelling and determined.
- Cereals are retrieved from the silos or cells of storage to be placed in the lungs of power.
- Subsequently are picked up to be sent to the primary station working of cooking ().
After that the cereal will undergo further changes thanks to other machines
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