Model M4000 - Cooking Tower
There is no doubt that the qualitative requirements of the market the animal feed are now extremely high. The modern farmer looking for a healthy feed without having to abandon the production increase. We speak of course of cereals suitably worked with systems absolutely modern and scientifically natural such as for example the use of steam and high mechanical pressures for gelatinized starch, modify the structure and facilitate the enzymatic attack. This means benefits to the ecosystem ruminal, reducing the risk of diseases of the herd. Also with this process can produce food as the instant polenta and semolina pasta of maize or rice or semi not gluten (gelatinizing starch and not gluten). The feed has a degree of gelatinization of 80%/90%, the instant polenta a degree of 90%/95% and semolina pasta or rice a degree of 98%/100%.
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The company C.M.F. Ferrari Carlo S.r.l., located in Pontoglio (BS) is able to provide suitable facilities for obtaining cereals crushed or flaked having nutritional characteristics sound and profitable. In particular it is possible to obtain the best results through a process called Thermo-Flaking, that implants are provided by CMF are able to perform offering a final product faultless and also attractive thanks to the fragrance and flavor that only a process of termofioccatura can confer. The preventability of the product plays a very important role: if then it is also healthy and free from impurities thanks to efficient systems CMF sucking the residual dust, quality is the obvious conclusion.
Machine Path
The path traced by the C.M.F. is made visible by the description which follows. It is the association of principles of traditional machines and advanced mechanisms highly innovative. The constant is the minimisation of the impact on the overall production costs.
Working Steps:
- Cereals and pulses, after the first few treatments of cleaning and separation from dust, are ready to be processed into products of quality, as requested by farmers from from cereal sector and from feed producers
- Cereals and legumes for food industry, on the other hand, undergo a cleaning treatment, shelling and determined.
- Cereals are retrieved from the silos or cells of storage to be placed in the lungs of power.
- Subsequently are picked up to be sent to the primary station working of cooking.
After that the cereal will undergo further changes thanks to other machines.
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