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Host Plant Equipment & Supplies

13 equipment items found
  • based in ISRAEL

    The spider mite lays its eggs on the leaves. The mobile stages (nymphs and adults) suck the cell contents from the leaves of the host plant cell by cell, leaving tiny, pale spots or scars where the green epidermal tissue has been destroyed. Although the individual lesions are very small, commensurate with the small size of the mites, the frequently-observed ...

  • based in CHINA

    Bactrocera cucurbitae or melon fly, belongs to the family Tephritidae and has a wide range of host plants which are of great economic value, like bitter gourd, wax gourd, pumpkin, cucumber, towel gourd and winter squash. In recent years, B. cucurbitae has been the primary pest on bitter gourd, seriously impacting its quality and yield in many ...

  • Manufactured by Russell IPM Ltd
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The box tree moth is a pest of box trees as well as other plant species in the buxaceae and some celastraceae species. Box trees are often found in homes and hotel grounds, historical gardens and churches. Box tree moth occurs in Asia, Europe and North America and has spread through trade of infested host plants. ...

  • based in ISRAEL

    Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, is a worldwide pest with a wide range of host plants, the main ones being vegetable crops such as sweet peppers, strawberries, melons, cucumbers, eggplant, beans and tomatoes, as well as field crops, flowers, fruit trees, citrus and many ornamental ...

  • Manufactured by Bio-Green Planet, Inc.
    based in USA

    Our Multi-Tricho Granular product is comprised of fungi and bacteria formulated to enhance antioxidative potential of host plant and triggers systemic disease resistance in the rhizosphere. Fungi in the product colonize the root structure and keep soil born pathogens at bay. Beneficial bacteria in the product enhance nutrient availability for increased root ...

  • Manufactured by HoSt
    based in NETHERLANDS

    HoSt is one of the major European suppliers of farm scale biogas plants. HoSt has supplied a large number of agricultural biogas plants, mostly for the anaerobic digestion (AD) of manure and agricultural products (e.g. corn, straw and grass) in combination with waste from the food ...

  • based in USA

    ANAMED uses food-based attractants to lure Tephritids to the solution. The product is paired with a minimal dosage of a toxicant as a kill agent. ...

  • Manufactured by Bayer Crop Science UK
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Both adults and larvae of this species are extremely variable in coloration. Most caterpillars are green, but some are brown or black, and they have distinct lengthwise stripes in yellowish white or pink. They can become nearly 50 mm (1.97 inch) long and are remarkably active. Young instars are sometimes misidentified as soybean loopers (Pseudoplusia includens). The adult has a wingspan of up to ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Detect Phytophthora in 10 minutes with this easy to use Phytophthora rapid test. Start to combat the ‘plant destroyer’ while in the field. Single Tests: Minimum order of 5 tests. Discount for 10 or more tests. Box of 50 Tests: No Minimum order. Discount for 5 or more ...

  • based in USA

    Bac-Pack AG is an all-natural microbial inoculum that improves plant health and vigor through a symbiosis with plant roots. Bac-Pack AG liquid consists of selected bacteria strains that colonize plant root systems. The symbiotic bacteria in Bac-Pack AG produce substances that are utilized by the plant for increased vigor and ...

  • based in CANADA

    SusGlobal’s proprietary technology transforms organic waste into a pathogen free recognized organic liquid fertilizer. As chemical fertilizers become less used and alternative sources of valuable organic matter become more difficult to source, SusGro™ pathogen free organic fertilizer provides an economical, sustainable and highly effective alternative to traditional fertilization. ...

  • Manufactured by Creative Diagnostics
    based in USA

    Creative Diagnostics offers high-quality plant pathogens antibodies, which are suitable for use in ELISA or related immunoassays and can be ordered in bulk quantity. Our plant pathogens antibodies have been developed for use in testing imported potato breeding material, microplants of existing varieties, leaf samples from field grown plants and ...

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