Crop Treating Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by PETKUS Technologie GmbHbased in GERMANY
The PETKUS Continuous Chemical Treater is suitable for all crops where a throughput rate of up to 25 t / h with high efficiency is required. PETKUS Continuous Chemical Treaters can be used with most liquid treating agents. Up to four different treating agents can be applied simultaneously. Incrustation of the seed as well as coating is possible. ...
Manufactured by Cifarelli S.p.A.based in ITALY
Cifarelli L3evo is a “professional mist sprayer” used by farmers all over the world for treating their ...
Manufactured by HK Global Enterprisesbased in INDIA
Research indicates that this substance maybe more efficient way of adding phosphorous to soil than applying chemical fertilizers. Other benefits of PROM are that it supplies phosphorous to the second crop planted in a treated area as efficiently as the ...
Manufactured by Earthfortbased in USA
This 50 pound bag of MICRONA AG H2O Solution Grade is an ultra-fine, white, natural limestone powder with proven advantages far above standard Ag-lime. MICRONA is so efficient that far less of our product is required to treat ...
by AmmPowerbased in CANADA
Ammonia, NH3, is a nitrogen fertilizer that is stable, readily available for plant uptake, and does not release carbon dioxide gas. Approximately 50% of the world’s food supply relies on ammonia-based fertilizer. Ammonia-treated crops, such as corn and wheat, can experience greater yields. About 80% of the world's ammonia is produced for agricultural ...
Manufactured by Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
MAYAMECTIN 19 a broad spectrum, high-efficacy and low toxicity type of insecticide cum acaricide belonging to Avermectin group. Active Ingredient: EMAMECTIN BENZOATE, Formulation: 1.9% EC ...
HD-814 is a botanical fungicide with extremely high activity and can quickly kill resistant bacteria such as soil Fusarium oxysporum, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, bacteria, Verticillium dahliae, Colletotrichum, etc., and solve the problem of soil diseases. It can prevent and treat crop root rot, blight, fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt, vine blight, bacterial wilt, stem ...
Manufactured by Addcon GmbHbased in GERMANY
These have been specially isolated from silage for use as a silage inoculant and have not been genetically modified. The use of KOFASIL LAC results in silage crops (e.g. grass, legumes plants) in an intensive lactic acid formation which drops the pH value quickly and significantly. This inhibits the development of undesirable harmful bacteria such as clostridia and reduces ...
Manufactured by BioAtlantis Ltdbased in IRELAND
SuperFifty® Prime is validated by scientific experts as a proven tool to reduce oxidative stress and to improve fruit-set in treated crops. Apply prior to fruit-set & 3-5 days before anticipated stresses. ...
Manufactured by VERDEX AGRO s.r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
VitaLAND secures overall soil improvement by regulating moisture, preserving cleanliness, allowing better utilization of nutrients, and increasing resistance of all horticultural and field crops sprouting from the treated soil. ...
Manufactured by Casotti Irroratoribased in ITALY
Professional electrical microdosing sprayer, to be applied to the tractor. It is used to distribute Spintor Fly, and in general all products designed to be distributed in predetermined microdoses that always have to be the ...
Manufactured by Casotti Irroratoribased in ITALY
SPARAMOSCA is a professional, electric microdosing sprayer, specific for distributing the product in microdoses. Professional, electric microdosing sprayer, specific for distributing the product in two ways: MICRODOSES (Spintor Fly and similar products against the olive and fruit fly). STANDARD (classic ...
based in USA
Screen™Duo Treatment brings two modes of action to protection crops from environmental ...
Manufactured by AgriInfoTech, Inc.based in USA
AZAKARANJ is oil based emulsified concentrate formulation (110% EC) consisting of a judicious mixture of neem oil obtained from Azadirachta Indica seeds and karanj oil obtained from Pongamia Glabra seeds and surfactant/emulsifier. The insecticidal action is due to the presence of several neem limonoids of which Azadirachtin is most important. Azadirachtin concentration is maintained at a level of ...
Manufactured by Norrish Services Groupbased in AUSTRALIA
NORRISH SEED DRESSING LIQUID APPLICATOR. Designed & manufactured by Norrish Service Group Bakers Hill W.A. Seed treating is primarily carried out to protect seed and seedlings from fungal ...
Manufactured by Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
MAYAIMIDA is a systemic, chloro-nicotinyl insecticide with soil, seed and foliar uses for the control of sucking insects. Active Ingredient: IMIDACLOPRID, Formulation: 17.8% SL ...
Manufactured by Tap Trapbased in ITALY
Lima Trap is a simple and effective dispenser for controlling slugs and snails. Indispensable for vegetable patches, gardens, nurseries, greenhouses, flower pots, ...
Manufactured by Ag Spectrum Companybased in USA
ST/MZ is our soil testing process that provides growers with nutrient information about their soils. Our samples are taken by Soil Type and Management Zone (ST/MZ) rather than by grid, because we understand that variations in soil type are not conveniently bound within congruent squares. Drawing soil samples from logical, scientifically selected regions allows our Ag Spectrum representatives to ...
Manufactured by Verdesian Life Sciences, LLCbased in USA
Fungi-Phite®is a fast-acting phosphite fungicide proven to help take down diseases before they take hold of crops. When environmental conditions are just right for disease and the stress that comes along with it, Fungi-Phite helps to fight Phytophthora, Pythium, downy mildew and brown rot, as well as blue and green mold and other crop diseases. ...
Manufactured by SummitAgro USA LLCbased in USA
REGEV is a combination of Tea Tree Extract and difenoconazole, and controls a broad range of plant diseases on arable crops, fruits, and vegetables. Growers can now obtain remarkable disease control from eight powerful mechanisms of activity, with only one residue. With preventative and double kick-back curative activity, efficacy against a broad spectrum of bacterial and fungal ...
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