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Agriculture Biogas Plant Equipment & Supplies

8 equipment items found
  • based in AUSTRIA

    Agrinz Technologies GmbH has many years of international experience in the planning, construction and operation of agricultural biogas plants. We have numerous references for a variety of agricultural input materials that go far beyond pure corn silage. Manure, cattle dung, horse dung, poultry dry dung, sugar beets, fruit- and ...

  • based in GERMANY

    When planned optimally, agricultural biogas plants perfectly fit into farming and soil nutrition cycles. The anaerobic digestion of manure, agricultural byproducts and energy crops not only provides electricity and usable heat – it also produces a high quality organic fertilizer and soil ...

  • Manufactured by HoSt
    based in NETHERLANDS

    HoSt is one of the major European suppliers of farm scale biogas plants. HoSt has supplied a large number of agricultural biogas plants, mostly for the anaerobic digestion (AD) of manure and agricultural products (e.g. corn, straw and grass) in combination with waste from the food ...

  • Manufactured by JOZ BV
    based in NETHERLANDS

    With a dry matter percentage of up to 38%, the Torro, like the Bronto is perfect for farms that want to use the solid fraction as biobedding. Using biobedding allows you to save on litter costs, and improves comfort for ...

  • Manufactured by ENSPAR Biogas Gmbh
    based in GERMANY

    Combined agricultural businesses that also rear livestock only need to make a few modifications to their workflows to exploit the significant advantages of straw fermentation. A greater use of straw as bedding in the stables and its downstream fermentation in a biogas plant may cut back on the significant costs for mechanical pulping processes. ...

  • based in ITALY

    Biogas plants starting at 250 kW and for the production of biomethane, particularly suitable for large quantities of biomass with a low dry matter ...

  • Manufactured by ÖKOBIT GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Biogas from manure and slurry: The FarMethan biogas plant for future-oriented agriculture. For livestock farms such as dairy farmers, poultry, bull and pig fattening farms, horse owners and cattle breeders, the construction and operation of a FarMethane biogas plant means new, sustainable income ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The Groundhog mechanical Slurry Separator operating principle is based on the proven technology of the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering design for Slurry Separators. The fibre rich solids produced from the slurry can be stacked for easy storage and the now reduced volume of nutrient rich liquid can then be managed more easily than when it was in slurry ...

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