

- Farm Scale Biogas Plants



HoSt is one of the major European suppliers of farm scale biogas plants. HoSt has supplied a large number of agricultural biogas plants, mostly for the anaerobic digestion (AD) of manure and agricultural products (e.g. corn, straw and grass) in combination with waste from the food industry.

Products Details

Flexible biogas plants, also for difficult input streams

Unique about a biogas plant supplied by HoSt, is the large flexibility for a broad range of biomass streams. The use of a flexible input system and an intensive paddle mixing technique in combination with special propeller mixers makes it possible to:

  • Digest a broad range of biomass streams, like sludge, grass, solid manure, chicken manure, straw, slaughterhouse waste, pulp and liquid waste streams. The paddle mixer is ideal for mixing floating biomass like grass and straw
  • Mix at a higher dry matter content through the use of paddle mixers. This makes it possible to digest a relatively dry menu without adding water
  • Run on a higher input stream due to better dosing and mixing, which makes the required digestion volume smaller. Due to high turbulence, the biomass conversion is quicker
  • Achieve a higher stability because of better mixing and dosing. On top of that, the efficiency of the conversion of organic matter is higher

Biogas applications

Biogas plants can be equipped with a combined heat and power plant that converts biogas to electricity and heat, or with the unique HoSt biogas upgrading technology. This unit is able to separate methane from the biogas with a very high efficiency, possibly > 99%, using membranes. After the purification, the quality of the biomethane meets the requirements of natural gas. Due to the low own heat demand (direct solid feeding + high dry solid in digester), more heat is available for other purposes.

Robust engineering, high-quality design

Characteristic for the farm-type plants supplied by HoSt is that they are equipped with concrete, isolated tanks, furnished with a double membrane roof. The solid feeding input is equipped with vertical augers. These large augers mix the different biomass streams into a homogeneous mixture, resulting in a stable biogas process. Due to the direct feeding of the solid into the digester it is possible to digest high dry solids content. This, results in no water adding, longer retention times or smaller digesters with less own electricity and heat consumption.

Liquids, like liquid manure and liquid waste currents, are pumped directly to the digester from the existing or the new storage. Depending on the input, the installation will be adjusted and optimized to the specific situation. HoSt supplies high-quality plants that are low-maintenance and easy to control.

Optimal conduct of business due to optimal guidance and training

All installations are delivered including the start-up and training of the controlling staff. After the start-up, the operator/customer will be supported in the operational aspects of the business for a lengthy period. The intensive guidance in combination with the robust equipment reduces the need for downtime repairs or maintenance.

HoSt also offers guidance for the optimization of the input menu, which makes it possible for customers to increase their profitability. The focus hereby lies on replacement of certain input streams with other lower cost inputs.

Tailor-made optimized plants

It is also possible to provide pre-storage, after-storage or after-treatment of digestate. In case animal waste currents are digested, a hygienisation step can be added to the installation. HoSt also provides pre-treatment equipment for e.g. reducing particle size of incoming streams.

Suitable plants for abnormal input

Due to a broad experience and high-tech equipment, HoSt is able to supply suitable digestion plants for very abnormal input like 100% slaughterhouse waste, biogas plants for 100% manure, plants with a large content of low-quality streams like straw and grass, sewage sludge, solely chicken manure, etc.

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