DRS Medikal - Model H05 - Cold Misting ULV Fogger
From ULV Foggers
The H05 ULV Fogger works by expelling a fine, almost invisible mist into the air which eventually settles on all surfaces including those impossible to reach by conventional methods. The H05 ULV Fogger is compact, lightweight and robust, making it ideal for commercial use, whilst equally suited to a domestic environment. 5 litre depot size and powerful 1400W 240V electric motor allow the covering of large areas with ease. The ability to adjust the fogger output from a vapour of just 9 μm up to a fog 49 μm, and flow rate up to 18 litres per hour makes this machine suitable for the application of disinfectants, biocides, fungacides and pesticides.
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Purpose of ULV Fog machine is obtain exact result by extending contact duration air with solution by dividing solution into particles so that to long in the air. Wind factor is very import due to solution particles spread out by wind effect. The fogging time that in the morning and evening sunset hours are very intensive for flying insects.
Optimal fogging and disinfection speed is 10-15 km/h. ULV Fog system allows spray antiseptic and deodorants alongside pest control due to this property. ULV Fog machines effect flying insect and crawling insects immediately and it exterminates and it continous to impact. Single cap (Sprayer Cap) sprays insecticide 20lt/h at minimum level.
Technical Details
- Motor: 1400w, 220V-230V AC, 50 -60 hz
- Solution Tank Capacity: 5 Litre
- Solution Output Flow rate: 0-49 l/h
- Solution Droplet size: 9-49 micron
- Empty Weight: 5,3 Kg
- Dimensions: 19x47x49 cm
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