Compact Needle Seeder
An entry level seeder that sows the full range of small and odd shaped seeds.
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Product Details
- Capabilities: The compact Needle Seeder will accept trays up to 17' wide and 4-1/2' high.
- Benefits: The accurate sowing of small and add shaped seeds. Simplicity of operation, quick changeover and low maintenance. Compact in size for portability.
- Features: Includes a range of eight (8) sets of needles to seed from begonias and marigolds to tomatoes and melons. All components are air operated, including automatic seed ejection, adjustable vibrator and vacuum controls with push button cleaner. Folds up for easy storage.
- Options: Variety of tray setups from plug trays to bedding flats
Technical Specifications:
Model 18320
- Power: All components are air operated.
- Production: Capable of sowing one row per second
- Portability: Lightweight and compact
- Weight: 46 lbs.
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