BWE - Farm Power Plant
BWE farm power plant allows the operator to achieve the optimal resource use of small-agricultural activities. We use different digester configurations, according to the requirements of the client: - digester and storage tank, - digester and existing lagoon/storage tank, - combination of digester and storage in one system (Tank- in-tank) We rely on the liquid feeding, which allows the perfect mixing of solid substrates (dosed from a solid feeder) and liquids (manure) coming from the barn. Liquid and solid substrates can be used in different ratios. The CHP plant is equipped with a CHP unit with the highest efficiency at this power range. The digesters and the storage tank are equipped with reliable submersible agitators. In addition, the system is equipped with an automatic gas flare. The above ground isolated substrate and gas pipelines are implemented in a compact design which saves on earthworks.
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