BioGasol Carbofrac - Model 400 (4 tons/h) - Small Commercial Biomass Sugar Extraction System
From Products - Carbofrac Pretreatment
Fully automated system for production of lignocellulosic sugars from up to four tons of biomass (dry) per hour. Can easily be adapted to feedstock change and a range of process conditions, making it suitable for most biochemical conversion processes. Small foot-print and modular design makes it possible to ship the system in 20’ or 40’ containers.
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Product Details
The Company’s Carbofrac® biomass fractionation has since 2010 demonstrated extraction of high quality sugars from biomass such as straw, corn stover, wood, garden waste and sugar cane bagasse with yields close to what is theoretical possible.
This high yield is a result of the Carbofrac® reactors unique and precise process control, independent of volume. The accurate control allows for precise balance between sugar yields and quality which is optimized for biochemical conversion to transport fuels, plastic materials or chemicals in the downstream processing.
The Carbofrac® design builds on many years of development by a tight, multidisciplinary team of process experts, mechanical and chemical engineers, microbiologists and enzyme specialists. This development incorporates the extensive knowledge gained from many process development and optimization projects as well as equipment deliveries for customers worldwide.
BioGasol operates with three different equipment size categories; 1) Pilot/Demo, 2) Small Commercial and 3) Large Commercial:
BioGasol’s Carbofrac® systems are skid mounted, pre-tested in our workshop and include a stand-alone control system, which can be integrated into any process plant. The units are installed and commissioned under the supervision of highly trained BioGasol specialists.
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