Apogee Instruments, Inc.

Apogee Instruments, Inc.

- Model SQ-215 - Amplified 0-5 V Sun Calibration Quantum Sensor


The SQ-215 is an amplified original quantum sensor with a 0 to 5 V output that has been calibrated for use in sunlight. The sensor features a rugged, self-cleaning sensor housing design. Typical applications include PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) measurement over plant canopies in outdoor environments, greenhouses, and growth chambers, and reflected or under-canopy (transmitted) PPFD measurements in the same environments. Quantum sensors are also used to measure PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)/PPFD in aquatic environments, including salt water aquariums where corals are grown. www.apogeeinstruments.com/quantum/

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