Bio-Tissue, Inc.

Bio-Tissue, Inc.

- Biologic Ocular Transplantation Graft


AmnioGraft is a biologic ocular transplantation graft used by eye surgeons around the world as an adjunct therapy to treat ocular surface indications such as corneal ulcers, pterygium, mechanical dry eye (also known as conjunctivochalasis), excision of tumors, chemical burns, and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

Products Details

AmnioGraft serves as a tissue replacement by delivering the unique therapeutic actions of cryopreserved amniotic membrane.

Expedite Recovery, Promote Regenerative Healing

AmnioGraft expedites patient recovery by reducing inflammation and scarring, promoting regenerative healing, and achieving a superior cosmetic outcome. This is particularly beneficial to many ocular surface diseases and conditions to ameliorate pain, vision loss, and in some cases an undesirable ocular cosmetic appearance.

The Healing Process

AmnioGraft is durable and easy to use, and provides lasting cosmetic results. After surgery, full healing is typically complete in two to three weeks.

Amniotic membrane is part of the placenta. It is the tissue closest to the baby throughout development in the womb. The biological properties of amniotic membrane protects the baby from any harm and its natural therapeutic actions helps the baby develop.

The placentas used to prepare AmnioGraft are donated by consenting mothers after cesarean section births. Mothers that donate are fully informed, have healthy lifestyles, and are tested against infectious diseases prior to donation.

Cutting-edge technology at the forefront of Bio-Tissue!

Learn more about the cutting-edge technology at the forefront of Bio-Tissue products by downloading the corporate brochure. AmnioGraft is an anti-scarring, anti-inflammatory cryopreserved amniotic membrane tissue graft considered The Gold Standard for ocular surface reconstruction. Fill out the form below to get a copy today:

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