AFKO Ltd. Şti.

AFKO Ltd. Şti.

- Small Center Pivot Irrigation System



This system consist of many spans connected to each other by mobile connection, all spans move and rotate around a fixed center. Every two spans are connected by a multidirectional joint allowing the formation of an angle of up to 30 degree. Thus the pivot is suitable for rough terrain. This system irrigates from 1 hacter by one span up to 75 by 8 spans 490 m machine.

Center pivot irrigation is an irrigation system ha...

Center pivot irrigation is an irrigation system has proved itself in this field. This system irrigates at high performance economically with different climate and terrain conditions. Galvanized anti-corrosion coating consisting of high-grade steel construction. This system makes automatic irrigation in a circular motion over a single platform, even on slopes of up to 15%. Center pivot irrigation systems can operate in a performance manner.

90% – 95% an effective irrigation could be obtained during irrigation by center pivot system.

Center pivot machine provides a homogeneous distribution of water in large terrains

More about Small Center Pivot Irrigation System

Center pivot machine provides a homogeneous distribution of water in large terrains
Center pivot machine provides a homogeneous distribution of water in large terrains

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