Poultry Farming Services
based in USA
America’s farms and ranches are the front lines of our food supply. Keeping these facilities safe and secure is essential to animal health and well-being, in addition to ensuring the safety of our milk, meat, poultry and eggs and protecting the reputation of our industry. The Animal Agriculture Alliance’s farm security resources are intended to help farmers protect themselves and ...
Manufactured by LAKTO Dairy Technologiesbased in TURKEY
Don't you want to get the best quality / comprehensive / economical service as soon as possible? Let's tell you a secret. LAKTO farms do not stop milking, technical failure is not experienced… In LAKTO After Sales Services; Whether it's periodic maintenance of your milking machine or the search for equipment in line with your needs, we offer you and your farm the highest quality service ...
Manufactured by Insect Engineersbased in NETHERLANDS
The first step in the breeding phase involves collecting the eggs of the Black Soldier Fly. The eggs are laid by mature Black Soldier Flies in special trays, making it easy to collect them. The eggs are generally collected every two days, after which they are transferred to special feeding containers in which they can grow for a few more days before entering the production phase. ...
based in USA
We know that quality broodstock is the foundation for hatchery operations. Blue Leaf has the technical field expertise and specialized relationships with professional anglers to collect broodstock. We also have scientists with extensive training and direct experience in hatchery ...
based in NORWAY
Know your eggs and where they have been. According to Icelandic Legislation all eggs produced from the 1st of January 2015 for the Icelandic market have to be traceable back to clients. DNA samples are taken from all broodfish enabling us to trace every single individual back to its parent broodstock. In the case of escapes, this can be done on request for all customers. In addition to DNA ...
Manufactured by B.H. Ruby Electric Ltd.,based in CANADA
A complete solution for your enriched layer ...
Manufactured by Insect Engineersbased in NETHERLANDS
When they are ready to be harvested, the larvae consist for 40% to 65% of protein and contain a great many essential amino acids and other ...
by Vytelle, LLCbased in CANADA
Advance Your Business With Vytelle’s Simple IVF Process. Our modern, all-natural in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique quickly accelerates your herd’s genetic progress. Our process multiplies offspring from elite-performing animals, shortens generation intervals and improves reproductive efficiency. With our outcomes-based pricing, you only pay for the embryos your donor ...
Manufactured by ZZTANK (Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd)based in CHINA
Livestock farming plays an important role in economic development for many countries.In the Asian region, the livestock industry plays an important economic role for agricultural development. Livestock farming presents many undisputable opportunities, but it also brings the problem of livestock wastewater disposal that farmers need to ...
We regard ourselves as the leading experts in the scaling, design and costing of fish farms in Africa. Our focus is on using the latest international advances in aquaculture technology, combined with a pragmatic 'what works in Africa' attitude, to develop fish farming systems that are cost effective to erect and operate, produce the targetted production volumes and are as simple as possible to ...
based in USA
Molecular diagnostics continue to be adapted and optimized for a wide range of applications in aquaculture. Various methods and technology platforms can be used strategically in aquatic animal health applications, as well as to improve and accelerate selective breeding programs, molecular applications, research and development, and in vivo efficacy and safety ...
based in CANADA
EFAO’s Advisory Service connects member-farmers who have specific on-farm questions with experienced farmers who are willing to share their experience and knowledge. This service is currently on hold as we imagine ways to better serve EFAO members through advisory consultations and mentorships. If you are looking for support now, you can check out some of these other great ...
based in USA
Hulsey Environmental provides environmentally sound collection of used cooking oil for restaurants, schools, hospitals, food processing plants, poultry plants… any business that produces waste vegetable oil (WVO). We will provide you with a yellow grease container for used cooking oil storage. Hulsey Environmental’s prompt service ensures your WVO container never overflows. Our ...
Manufactured by Gong srlbased in ITALY
Both the realization and the restructuring of a livestock facility reveal various problems that must be analyzed individually in order to meed every company’s ...
based in FRANCE
Cases of food allergies are increasing since the past years, actually in Europe is estimated that 6% of children and 2 to 4% of adults have a food allergy. Food allergens are proteins found in certain foods and can cause in concerned people allergic immune response. This immune response triggers symptoms such as rush, facial itching, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea,… etc. Most of allergic ...
based in INDIA
Food processing industry is of enormous significance for India's development because of the vital linkages and synergies it promotes between the two pillars of our economy, industry and agriculture. Fast growth in the food processing sector and simultaneous improvement in the development of value chain are also of great importance to achieve favorable terms of trade for Indian agriculture both in ...
based in USA
The USDA estimates that more than 335 million tons of “dry matter” waste (the portion of waste remaining after water is removed) is produced annually on CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) farms in the United States, representing almost a third of the total municipal and industrial waste produced every year. Animal waste runoff can impair surface water and groundwater which can ...
based in USA
At ALS our Food Division is a global provider of testing, inspection, auditing and consulting services to the food (and related) industry. We are able to provide high quality solutions across a wide range of services, products and locations. We employ qualified and experienced food industry professionals, have state-of-the-art facilities, and access to technologies to add value to our ...
based in CANADA
Scaffold Equipment Rental is another way METI works with our community! METI Scaffold Equipment Rental makes your residential, commercial, industrial, or marine project easy! Our scaffold equipment rental gives you tube & coupler (clamp) scaffold, system scaffold, basic frame equipment, guardrail systems, and decking rental! Centrally located in Sydney, Nova Scotia, METI’s ...
Manufactured by Royal Pas Reformbased in NETHERLANDS
At Pas Reform we have the know-how to provide an advisory service for you and your architects, to help you make the right choices for optimal hatchery building design and ...
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