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Poultry Farming Product Applications

47 applications found
  • Premium

    Water quality monitoring for aquaculture industry

    A clean and pathogen free water source is essential to prevent infections from being introduced and spreading in a hatchery. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection of water for inactivation of pathogens is recognized as a safe and effective method for use in the aquaculture industry. Continuous monitoring of water quality by measure of UV transmission (UVT) ensures the UV light is able to penetrate the water effectively and achieve the optimal ...

    By Real Tech Inc., part of ABB Group. based in Whitby, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • Premium

    Water treatment solutions for agriculture industry

    The agriculture industry is a water intensive industry that needs a constant contaminant free water supply to ensure high harvest yields and healthy farm livestock. Agriculture in the U.S. is dominated by large, specialized crop and animal farms. These industrial farms focus on short-term productivity, often at the cost of creating environmental and public health problems. This focus on short term productivity, requires agriculture water treatment solutions and specific soil additives that are sustainable and ...

    By Genesis Water Technologies, Inc. based in Maitland, FLORIDA (USA).

  • Industrial Engineered Plastic for the Poultry Industry

    The poultry industry has become one of the fastest paced ever-changing businesses of today. We are a company able to change and adapt to the demands of this industry. Our capabilities in injection molding and fabrication allow us to manufacture components in various materials. Materials: Delrin (acetal) UHMW-PE Nylon HDPE Polypropylene We also recognize the quality and concern for FDA/USDA products. We are a large solution provider of cost-effective replacement parts for businesses such as: OEM ...

    By Diversified Plastics, Inc. based in Missoula, MONTANA (USA).

  • Poultry - Layer, Broiler, Pullet,

    Poultry is very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. The results of getting it wrong can quickly be seen in the production results; meat or eggs. Munters has the equipment and knowledge that will help producers to create controlled climate and achieve the best possible results. ...

    By Munters AB based in Kista, SWEDEN.

  • Waste control and odor elimination technologies solutions for livestock and poultry industry

    Livestock producers are challenged more than ever to control waste and odor issues while demonstrating a commitment to the environment. DPI GLOBAL’s portfolio of livestock-specific technologies, as well as those products that can be used across industry sectors, have been thoroughly researched, including vetting by both university testing and the global marketplace. Our ongoing commitment to research on a worldwide scale enables our agriculture customers to benefit from proven technologies no matter their ...

    By Distributors Processing, Inc. (DPI) based in Porterville, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Effective Cleaning & Disinfection of Water for Poultry Operations

    (Meat Birds- Broiler Breeder Farms, Hatcheries, Broiler) (Laying Birds-Breeder Farms, Hatcheries, Pullet Farms and Layer Farms) (Turkey's -Breeder Farm, Hatchery and Turkey Farm). It does not matter what type of poultry operation you are involved with, cleaning and disinfecting is a major contributor to your success. Water actually plays a key role in any poultry operation. Without water there is no production involved on any farm. If water is that important it is equally as important to note the quality of that ...

    By Puroxi Pure Water Global Inc. based in , BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).

  • Environmental Control Solutions for Poultry

    Take control to minimize contamination and disease for healthy and plump birds. All living things deserve an environment they can thrive in. Whether it be cattle, poultry, pigs, humans, or plants – build a system designed to bring out their ...

    By VES-Artex. A Turntide Company based in Chippewa Falls, WISCONSIN (USA).

  • Environmental Control Solutions for Swine

    Control ammonia and other gases for safe and efficient environments to raise healthy hogs. All living things deserve an environment they can thrive in. Whether it be cattle, poultry, pigs, humans, or plants – build a system designed to bring out their ...

    By VES-Artex. A Turntide Company based in Chippewa Falls, WISCONSIN (USA).

  • Waste Composting for Livestock Breeding

    Aware of the risks of nitrate pollution, livestock breeders and farmers are looking for solutions in order to enhance their liquid and solid ...

    By Menart based in Dour, BELGIUM.

  • High quality gas sensing solutions for Agriculture industry

    Cost-effective long term continuous measurement of CO2. How are Gas Sensors used in Agriculture? Gas sensors are essential in the agricultural and related industries for several applications. Horticulture: Controlled environment horticulture uses gas sensors to carefully monitors CO2 levels to ensure photosynthesis can occur and plants flourish. Farming: Our solutions empower farmers to make informed decisions that enhance productivity, efficiency and sustainability. With our advanced sensors, we’re ...

    By Edinburgh Sensors Ltd - TECHCOMP Group based in Livingston, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Process cooling and industrial comfort applications solutions for agriculture and farming industry

    The use of Refrigeration and Temperature control systems in AGRICULTURAL and FARMING applications is fundamental to preserve the freshness of the materials across the entire food supply chain, but also for their processing, during sorting, processing, packaging, and ...

    By HITEMA INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. based in Bovolenta Padua, ITALY.

  • Environmental Control Solutions for Beef

    Healthy environments can optimize cattle rate of gain. All living things deserve an environment they can thrive in. Whether it be cattle, poultry, pigs, humans, or plants – build a system designed to bring out their best. ...

    By VES-Artex. A Turntide Company based in Chippewa Falls, WISCONSIN (USA).

  • Odor control for the poultry feed production

    The animal feed industry has its roots in the way traditional millers grinded the grains centuries ago, using (wooden) windmills. Nowadays feed is produced for chickens and other poultry, as well as for cattle, pigs and horses. There is a wide variety of feed and grains produced, with different raw materials (nutrients) applied in several compositions. In this modern era electric driven pellet mills are applied and grains are cooled mainly in counterflow coolers. To remove dust from the used cooling air usually a ...

    By Aerox B.V. based in Vleuten, NETHERLANDS.

  • Water treatment solutions for poultry industry

    In broiler and layer farms, drinking water is often acidified to obtain a lower pH in order to stimulate the feed intake of the birds. However, doing so counteracts the efficacy of chlorine, since this most commonly used disinfectant requires a higher rather than a lower pH of the drinking water. Consequently, more chlorine is needed to compensate the diminishing effect caused by the organic acid, which in turn results in uncontrolled (over)dosing. With chlorine dioxide, nothing of this kind occurs since chlorine ...

    By Applied Oxidation LLC based in Chattanooga, TENNESSEE (USA).

  • UV Light Systemst for Aquaculture

    Ensuring microbiologically safe water that safeguards land-based aquaculture facilities from threats to fish production in both make-up and RAS applications, HOD UV treats fresh and sea water intakes and provides protection against a wide variety of microorganisms, including some of the toughest pathogens and viruses, such as IPN, Pox-virus, Moritella and Tenacibaculum. With HOD UV, facilities can reach production stability and establish a controlled growth environment with a proven and highly efficient approach ...

    By Atlantium Technologies based in , ISRAEL.

  • Odor control for the animal feed industry

    The animal feed industry produces a wide variety of feed and grains, applying different raw materials. Especially the cooling air of poultry and pig feed production should be deodorized to prevent ...

    By Aerox B.V. based in Vleuten, NETHERLANDS.

  • Environmental Control Solutions for Greenhouse

    Provide plants with routine fresh air and carbon dioxide while maintaining proper humidity levels. All living things deserve an environment they can thrive in. Whether it be cattle, poultry, pigs, humans, or plants – build a system designed to bring out their ...

    By VES-Artex. A Turntide Company based in Chippewa Falls, WISCONSIN (USA).

  • Sensor-based solutions for food processing industry

    Application example from food processing: The three tasks of sensing, analysis and sorting are what has driven the food processing industry to be the fastest growing sector. EVK is a developer of industry-relevant applications which utilise Chemical Imaging Technology to ensure quality and safety in food ...

    By EVK DI Kerschhaggl GmbH based in Raaba/Graz, AUSTRIA.

  • Black Soldier Fly for Pig & Poultry Feed

    he larvae of the Black Soldier Fly are a natural food source for chickens and pigs. The larvae can be eaten in the form of a powdered meal, as an oil, or as whole dried larvae. The Black Soldier Fly offers a more sustainable feeding solution, contains much more calcium and proteins, and also tastes better than the more traditional protein sources used in poultry feed. This makes insect farming a valuable addition in the pig and poultry feed production industry. Would you like to know more about the Black Soldier ...

    By Insect Engineers based in Horst, NETHERLANDS.

  • Poultry processing plants for Food and Beverage Industry

    Heat recovery can work the way round. In poultry plants, after the pluking process, the chicken carcasses have to be washed and cooled before freezing or packaging. This is generally performed with long air-activated spiral tunnel- washers where clean water at 4°C is continuously fed, while a similar important amount of highly contaminated water is discharged athe other end of the washer, counterflowing the birds. ...

    By POZZI LEOPOLDO SRL based in Barlassina, ITALY.

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