Pig Farming Downloads

197 downloads found
  • Premium

    PRRSV Check ELISA for Veterinary Diagnostics - Manual

    1 Introduction 1.1 Intended use The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) poses one of the most serious threats to the herd health status and the profitability of pig farms connected with it. In order to combat these risks, PRRSV CHECK ELISA represents a new test generation for screening, thanks to its particularly simple and reliable performance. PRRSV CHECK ELISA is an ...

  • Premium


    1 Introduction 1.1 Intended use The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, PRRSV, with pigs poses one of the most serious threats to the herd status and the profitability of pig farms connected with it. In order to combat these risks, PRRSV CHECK ELISA (order number: 847-0104000120) represents a new test generation for proving the contact with the virus, thanks to its particularly ...

  • Premium

    FOG Hog - Grease Interceptor System Installation & Service Manual

    All FOG Hog products are PDI certified (Plumbing & Drainage Institute) and ASME A112.14.3 Type A & B Grease Interceptor. The FOG Hog FH-20, FH0-35, FH-50 are IAPMO certified (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical ...

  • Premium

    2H AGRIdek - Dedust Packings - Brochure

    Dust and dirt entering the air scrubber pose a problem for pig and poultry farming. Too much dust reduces the scrubber performance, the ventilation power decreases and operation and maintenance cost ...

  • Premium

    Fisiomat - Feeding Systems - Brochure

    FISIOMAT: is the trade name used by FALCON. The concept being the housing of sows in small groups and feeding a predetermined amount of feed, delivered simultaneously to all sows over a set period of time. One group of sows can be fed a different quantity of feed per sow to those in another group. However, within the group, the amount dispensed to each sow place is the same. The system is ...

  • Premium

    Eliopig Equipment - Catalogue

    Eliopig s.r.l. is a company founded by engineers with extensive experience in the construction of biogas plants, nitrogen stripping, equipment and feeding systems for pig and cattle farms. Since its founding in 1980, thanks to the constant drive for continuous improvement, has developed a deep knowledge of issues related to farm management, thereby seeking to offer solutions to the breeder that ...

  • Premium

    Breed Bio Energy - Institutional Catalogue

    Eliopig s.r.l. is a company founded by engineers with extensive experience in the construction of biogas plants, nitrogen stripping plants, zootechnical equipment for pig and cattle farms. Since its founding in 1980, thanks to the constant drive for continuous improvement, the company has developed a deep knowledge of the issues related to farm management, as well as to biogas and nitrogen ...

  • Premium

    TBC - Model TXFB - Fish Farm Boom - Specifications Sheet

    Fish Farm Boom is used at commercial aquaculture and mariculture operations that raise and sell fish. The use of containment boom at fish farms provides numerous benefits. It concentrates the feed in a contained area, despite wind or waves. By corralling the fish food and keeping the feed away from the shoreline, it prevents the waste of feed that beaches. The use of Fish Farm Boom also keeps ...

  • Bush Hog - Model PHD2401 Series - Pull Dirt Scrapers - Brochure

    Bush Hog’s new DSP Line of Pull-Type Drag Scrapers, with standard fixed axle or optional tilt axle, is ideal for moving large quantities of material, leveling, and finish grading. The DSP units come available in 8’, 10’ and 12’ widths. DSP scrapers equipped with the optional tilt axle can do everything the standard axle does, as well as remove material on an angle for ...

  • American-Excelsior - Model Aspen - Small Animal Bed - Brochure

    American Excelsior's Aspen Bed is a premium contact bedding product. It is manufactured from all-natural Aspen wood for use as a contact bedding for small animals such as mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and snakes. Aspen Bed isn't a by-product of some other manufacturing process. It is manufactured from pure Aspen wood, specifically for use as a contact bedding material. ...

  • Calcium Formate - Brochure

    Calcium formate is White crystalline or powder, slightly moisture absorption, bitter, neutrality, nontoxic, dissolve in water.It can be used as new type feed additive for feeding industry, adaptable for sorts of acidogenic mold inhibitor of feedstuff. It has the function of preventing diarrhea and dysentery and promoting digesting and absorbing to improve the animal healthy. Used for piglets, can ...

  • Treffler - Precision Tine Harrow - Brochure

    Our latest collaboration makes Lyckegård a reseller of Treffler’s entire range in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Treffler’s products complement our own portfolio with, among other things, weed harrow and feather stick cultivator. Treffler also has other products in sowing technology, weed management and tillage. ...

  • Grow Finish Product Sheet

    The PigCHAMP Grow-Finish program gives you the broadest range of options for managing and improving your grow-finish operation. When used in tandem with PigCHAMP Reproductive, you have all the tools you need to successfully manage your farrow-to-finish ...

  • Alvest - Livestock Wastewater Treatment and Reuse System - Brochure

    The aim of this system, which was designed for a hog farm being constructed in a valley surrounded by farm fields, is to keep the hog operation from polluting the environment by eliminating all external discharge of liquid wastes. First, very fine mesh screens remove the solids, then a membrane bioreactor removes BOD and nitrogen. In the final step. RO treatment is carried out and the resulting ...

  • Domino - Self-Tightening Wire-Type Cowshed and Piggery Cleaners - Brochure

    The Domino wire-type cowshed and piggery cleaners are self-tightening. This is because two drawing stations are always used as weel as a combination of rope and wire. The rope is the flexible part and the wire is the stable part. The cleaner works equally well in cowshed and piggeries with or without straw bedding. The manure is quickly removed, and there will be no problems with flies and ...

  • Vissing - Mating Stall - Brochure

    The mating stall is designed so that it provides ample space for both the sow and the staff while facilitating a strong stimulation of estrus and high reproduction performance. The stall is made with saloon gates making it easy to move the gilt or sow into the stall, while the staff can enter the stall without opening the gate. The stall design allows implementation of either a poly trough or a ...

  • MamaDos - Sow Feeding System - Brochure

    MamaDos - sow feeding system with new dispenser for even more floury feed. Sow feeding system with new dispenser for even more floury feed. Capture MamaDos: MamaDos with new hopper for flexible use and quick installation will be gratefully welcomed by professional sow farmers. ...

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