Pig Farming Product Applications
Pump and Dredge Solutions for Agriculture Industry
Pump Applications. Shrewd agricultural producers in every state use Crisafulli's portable PTO powered trailer pumps for high-volume water transfer. A 16" Crisafulli will pump an acre-foot of water in thirty-three minutes. Farmers rely on Crisafulli Pumps to protect crop yields, by pumping water off rain-saturated fields, as well as supplying water to flood and furrow-irrigated farmland. Strawberry farmers in California and corn producers in the Midwest use their Crisafulli pumps to prevent flooding during heavy ...
By SRS Crisafulli, Inc. based in Glendive, MONTANA (USA).
Static wedge wire screen for pig farm
Static screen is continue directly filtration system. The raw water evenly inflow to the stainless-steel wedge wire . As the solids are captured on the face of the screen, the solids are dropped into the storage tank by gravity. The screened water will pass through the slots into the bottom. Then the water flow to outlet. The washing system is equipped with nozzle is driven by gear box and washing pump. Applications & Benefits: (a)Meats, foods process Industry ...
By Enfound Enterprise Co., Ltd. based in Taipei, TAIWAN.
Environmental Control Solutions for Swine
Control ammonia and other gases for safe and efficient environments to raise healthy hogs. All living things deserve an environment they can thrive in. Whether it be cattle, poultry, pigs, humans, or plants – build a system designed to bring out their ...
By VES-Artex. A Turntide Company based in Chippewa Falls, WISCONSIN (USA).
Waste Composting for Livestock Breeding
Aware of the risks of nitrate pollution, livestock breeders and farmers are looking for solutions in order to enhance their liquid and solid ...
By Menart based in Dour, BELGIUM.
Odor control for the poultry feed production
The animal feed industry has its roots in the way traditional millers grinded the grains centuries ago, using (wooden) windmills. Nowadays feed is produced for chickens and other poultry, as well as for cattle, pigs and horses. There is a wide variety of feed and grains produced, with different raw materials (nutrients) applied in several compositions. In this modern era electric driven pellet mills are applied and grains are cooled mainly in counterflow coolers. To remove dust from the used cooling air usually a ...
By Aerox B.V. based in Vleuten, NETHERLANDS.
Total Automation for Pig Farming
For you, as a pig farmer, it is of crucial importance to achieve the proper housing conditions for your pigs so they remain healthy and grow optimally. By automating and monitoring your climate, feed, water and lighting, you can focus on creating an optimum living environment for your ...
By Mooij Agro B.V. based in Hegelsom, NETHERLANDS.
Odor control for the animal feed industry
The animal feed industry produces a wide variety of feed and grains, applying different raw materials. Especially the cooling air of poultry and pig feed production should be deodorized to prevent ...
By Aerox B.V. based in Vleuten, NETHERLANDS.
Advanced biotechnology solutions for pig farming industry
Air emissions attributed to animal agriculture consist of odorous and gaseous compounds as well as particulate matter associated with manure and animal management While localized problems associated with odor tend to get highlighted, gaseous compounds that get released into the atmosphere, such as ammonia and bioaerosols, plus wastewater runoff are becoming major regulatory issues and producers are now being forced to look at more effective measures of treatment and ...
By Micronomix, LLC based in Ocala, FLORIDA (USA).
Black Soldier Fly for Pig & Poultry Feed
he larvae of the Black Soldier Fly are a natural food source for chickens and pigs. The larvae can be eaten in the form of a powdered meal, as an oil, or as whole dried larvae. The Black Soldier Fly offers a more sustainable feeding solution, contains much more calcium and proteins, and also tastes better than the more traditional protein sources used in poultry feed. This makes insect farming a valuable addition in the pig and poultry feed production industry. Would you like to know more about the Black Soldier ...
By Insect Engineers based in Horst, NETHERLANDS.
Sowing directly in Greenplugs is becoming more and more popular. This method makes it easier to grade seedlings according to size at an early stage and to remove any plugs in which the seed hasn’t germinated. This may optimise the propagation process and the use of space. Transplanting or repotting seedlings grown in plugs moreover often takes less time than transplanting seedlings grown in trays, and it involves less risk of ...
By Green Products B.V. based in Kampen, NETHERLANDS.
Roller Mill for Livestock Operation
Type of livestock : Cattle, Dairy, Poultry, Hogs, Horse, Goats, Sheep, etc. Type of Grain: Barley, Corn, Oats, Wheat, Millet, Peas, Lentils, Pulses, etc. Groove Pattern: 1 to 14 gpi. ( Other groove pattern ...
By Apollo Machine and Products Ltd. based in Saskatoon, SASKATCHEWAN (CANADA).
Solutions for Animal Health Monitoring on Farms
The continuous monitoring of environmental parameters that affect animal welfare and diseases provides detailed information about the state of the farm, with the purpose of detecting possible diseases or losses in advance, among other incidents or ...
By Envira based in Llanera (ASTURIAS), SPAIN.
Universal Farm Management Software for Pig Farm Management
An incomparable pig farm software application meant for all, from pig farm owners to pig production management ...
By Prudence Technology Private Limited based in , INDIA.
Soil & agriculture solutions for composting sector
KMI Zeolite can promote nitrogen retention, control the moisture content, and purify methane gas produced by anaerobic digestion. Natural zeolite is incorporated into compost to significantly reduce heavy metal uptake by plants. Zeolite is also used to combat odors produced by waste and manure ...
By KMI Zeolite Inc. based in Pahrump, NEVADA (USA).
Universal Farm Management Software for Agriculture Management
If you want to have your agribusiness' seamless functioning, you MUST HAVE a crop management system! Crop management software can help you manage your farm strategically and ...
By Prudence Technology Private Limited based in , INDIA.
Mitigation technology solutions for animal sector
BioAtlantis has developed a novel technology that modulates the immune system and gastrointestinal microbiome in animals. The efficacy of this technology in reducing pathogenic infection has been validated in collaboration with our academic partners over a 15 year period, culminating in over 60 peer-reviewed papers in high-impact scientific ...
By BioAtlantis Ltd based in Tralee, IRELAND.
Composite silos and tanks solutions for agricultural industry
In the agricultural sector, Polem is has been Europe’s market leader in the bulk storage of cattle feed and chemical fertiliser for many years. This is because Polem manufactures a wide range of high-quality feed silos, chemical fertiliser silos and liquid feed tanks using fibre-glass reinforced plastic. Thanks to its proven quality, this corrosion-free, near-indestructible material guarantees a long life ...
By Polem B.V. based in Lemmer, NETHERLANDS.
Plastic Panels for Animal Housing - Pig Barn
Using Paneltim panels in your barn will ensure top hygiene for top pigs, allowing pig farmers around the world to comply to stringent and ever increasing sanitary and hygiene requirements in pig production. Penning, partition walls, floors, doors, … out of Paneltim panels are fast to clean and easy to maintain. They are compatible with the extremely corrosive environment of a pig farm (manure, urine, high humidity, etc). Paneltim panels are highly shock resistant. Thanks to the internal 50 x 100 mm or 50 x ...
By Paneltim nv based in Lichtervelde, BELGIUM.
Onsite In-Vessel Composting Systems for Pork
Ecodrum Composters provide biosecurity and efficiency in daily mortality at finisher and sow barns. Ecodrum™ experience has forged proven waste analysis formulas for trusted Composter ...
By Tri-Form Poly, Inc. based in Ozark, ARKANSAS (USA).
BinTrac - Bin Weighing Solutions for Agriculture Market
Designed using modules, the BinTrac Bin Weighing System for the agriculture market can be used for one bin operations or large swine and poultry operations. The system can be easily be installed on sites with multiple feedlines and/or geographic ...
By HerdStar based in Mankato, MINNESOTA (USA).
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