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Livestock Training Courses

30 training items found
  • Manufactured by Skov A/S
    based in DENMARK

    Three crucial factors enable SKOV’s service technicians to provide the best service. SKOV service technicians undergo thorough training and have several years of experience in climate and production control. All service technicians at SKOV have fundamental knowledge of animal production, so that they are able to consider climate and production control in relation to animal behaviour and ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    When observing cows always ask yourself 3 questions: What do I see? Why has this happened? What does it mean? In this training you learn about the six freedoms of pasture: feed, water, light, air, rest and space. You learn how to get healthy and stress-free cows. End game: prolong your cows longevity from 3 to 5 lactations. ...

  • Learn how to set up reproductive management for cows and heifers and how to evaluate the herd's reproduction in ...

  • CEA offers both generic and bespoke training courses on the environmental risk assessment process for veterinary and human medicines. We can provide training on standard Phase II environmental risk assessments through to conducting higher tier refinements (e.g. FOCUS surface water and groundwater ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Warning: this online training will open your eyes to how you run your farm. It's full of sensible tips on how to improve the rearing of calves and yearlings. This video training explains clearly, in both theoretical presentations as practical with video lessons from the farm. Young stock rearing costs around 3 cent per liter of milk on a well-run farm, as against 5 cent on a poorly run farm. To ...

  • Have you found that training staff on live equipment isn't always easy. Not only is it impractical, but it leaves little room for error. That's why Innovative Automation, Inc. decided that Training Simulatorswould be an excellent addition to our extensive range of training ...

  • International Food Laws and Regulations, FSC 810, Section 730. This is a 3 credit hour, graduate level, Internet-based, college course offered by Michigan State University designed for those who must understand the legal and regulatory complexities of the flow of food and agricultural products across national boundaries. International Food Laws and Regulations is one in our series of ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    The management and Team Leaders in SCOTVAX have many years experience working with the leading fish farm companies, world-wide. From hand vaccinating to maintenance of vaccinating machines, fish farm husbandry in hatcheries and sea sites, to fish harvesting; our team have the expert credentials to assist your business. By sharing best practice and working closely with veterinaries and a leading ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Become a successful CowSignals® Master. As a CowSignals® Master you will have an impact on the sustainable dairy chain, colleagues and farmers. But also on your competitors, because you are always one step ahead! By using the CowSignals® concept in your daily work you will be able to create more healthy dairy cows. And if farmers have more healthy dairy cows, they achieve a higher ...

  • Manufactured by Plusvet Animal Health
    based in CHINA

    Despite having one of the most restrictive legislations in the world on the use of antibiotic growth promoters and on animal welfare, European pig farms are the most productive in the world. Nowadays many farms reach 35 alive piglets/sow/year, and their new target is achieving ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The reproductive ability of rams is crucial to the overall flock performance. Assuming, rather than assessing, the ability of the ram is a common and costly mistake. The general and detailed clinical examination of rams pre-tupping, at times integrated by semen collection and evaluation, is a cost effective service which sheep farmers are inclined to endorse as ad hoc intervention or as part of ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    A must-do workshop for all herdsmen. This course will help you refine you blocking and bandaging skills. Whilst also discovering the reasons behind lameness and foot disease. Allowing for you to give optimum hoof and foot care on your ...

  • based in FRANCE

    FeedAccess is registered as a training organization and can organize distance learning or come to your place, we adapt ourselves to your needs in order to tell you all secrets about formulation, the goals, the technical analysis, the tricks that will make all difference and make you save more money and become more permormant ! At the end of the training, you'll be delivered a course certificate ...

  • The Master Shepherd's Course (MSC) is 12 two-day modules covering a wide variety of sheep production topics. Each module consists of one and one-half days of classroom style presentations and discussions, and one-half day of farm and industry tours. OSF is offering this 18 month long course, tentatively scheduled to begin in September 2018 and run through to January 2020. ...

  • AIC runs a number of training course in the areas of Trade Assurance. The main areas covered are the application of UFAS, TASCC, FEMAS and ...

  • based in ISRAEL

    The book covers the essentials of plant nutrition and irrigation management. Throughout the 232 pages of the book, the author, Guy Sela, shares his knowledge on the most important aspects of crop nutrition and irrigation, including: Plant nutrients, fertilizer management practices, interpretation of soil analysis, irrigation water quality, fertigation, irrigation scheduling and more... ...

  • Manufactured by Mayo Healthcare
    based in IRELAND

    This day couse invloves in house presentations and Q + A sessions as well as on farm demonstrations of cow side testing and our audit approach in a simplified user friendly and easy to apply ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Learn how to manage soil fertility to achieve higher yields and protect your farmland for generations to come. In this course you will acquire the tools, knowledge and expertise needed to master soil fertility management. The course consists of six sessions, each discussing a different aspect of soil fertility and its dynamics. Use the newly gain insights to improve your agricultural practices ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    If you’ve heard that bananas are high in carbohydrates, you may be wondering whether they’re a healthy fruit to eat. Bananas are made up of mostly complex carbohydrates, including resistant starch, which offers digestive health benefits. The vitamins and potassium in bananas are good for your blood pressure and overall health. Here are some of the details on this beloved ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Learning objective: Preparation & Programming of donor/recipient. Laparoscopic collection of embryos. Sorting and evaluation of embryos. Transferring the embryo. 1 - day course ( 7 CPD Hours ). ...

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