Livestock Software
PremiumManufactured by Zeltex LLCbased in USA
Field Trace is the cloud software that connects your Dinamica Generale smart devices such as NIR sensors, Kali Connection Hub and Field track app to manage precision farming data and display the most valued information from every field to optimize crop yelds and next season treatments. ...
PremiumManufactured by Zeltex LLCbased in USA
Precise application of slurry according to pre-determined crop nutrient requirements and regulations is now possibile using EvoNIR Near Infrared analyzer. The same EvoNIR system applied to harvesting equipment for crop analysis can be installed on slurry tankers for measuring N,P,K. ...
based in INDIA
PoultryCare ERP comes with all modules needed to successfully run your poultry farm. Each module will be integrated with each other and sharing data between them. This end-to-end integration gives the possibility to improve operation efficiency, reduces overall cost, and gives better decision making ...
Manufactured by Cattle Watchbased in SOUTH AFRICA
Counting the herd: The system counts the herd every 5 or X minutes inside the Coverage of the pole-range. If one cattle is missed the system sends an SMS to the herdsman about the cattle’s ID that missing. Geo-Fence: The system provide indication if all the cattle are inside the digital fence (limited to the range based on pole coverage) and sends SMS to herdsman when cattle come to cross ...
based in FINLAND
TerraStereo is a stand-along application for visualizing very large point clouds. It uses high-performance graphics boards for rendering huge amounts of points fast and in high ...
by AgSIghtsbased in CANADA
As a meat processor, do you find yourself looking for the best way to increase productivity without increasing your overhead? Do you want to ensure food safety and consumer trust while adding value to your product? bioLinks offers a simple end-to-end solution for all of your meat management ...
Distributed by FreshPortal Software BVbased in NETHERLANDS
The sales process according to the Cash & Carry method distinguishes itself from the normal sales process in many respects. Besides the individual method of working, a C & C often makes use of Handterminals, also referred to as PDAs. FreshPortal provides for a comprehensive solution for your Cash & Carry. A brief description of the ...
based in USA
Control all operations in a milking parlor. Get an automated report about. all the protocol deviations happening in your milking facility. To enhance the quality of our services, at Cattle Care we offer a free demonstration to our prospective clients showcasing the capabilities of our ...
by FarmWizardbased in UNITED KINGDOM
FarmWizard is aimed at farmers who wish to improve dairy herd fertility, save time and maximise profits. Interactive data exchange with external systems and automated smartphone alerts make set up and daily recordings simple, reduces paper work, saves time and improves herd ...
by ISAGRIbased in FRANCE
ISAGRI is part of an international strategy and ambition and has made innovative technological choices for the Pig 'UP sow management software (hosted solution, rich-client user, mobile solution in synchronisation with hosted databases, WEB ...
SUM-IT’s Total sheep management software takes the hassle out of your flock ...
based in USA
Time is money. With the new DHI-Plus® Mobile Service, save valuable minutes by staying up-to-date anywhere, ...
based in USA
Goat record keeping software that is user-friendly and affordable. Ranch Manager is the easiest way to document goat breeding records, and ...
based in USA
Use Ranch Manager Wildlife software to improve your wildlife record keeping (Deer/Elk/Exotics) for your ranching ...
based in USA
Remove the guesswork and better manage risk with useful insights and financial projections with Cattle Krush. The easy-to-use cattle app provides instant breakevens, market analytics and profit ...
Cattle and Sheep management software trusted by over 5000 farmers around the world. iLivestock uses the latest smartphone and tablet technology to make it easy to manage your flock or herd on the go. ...
by All4Hoovesbased in USA
The All4feet Online Manager is the administrative hub for hoof trimming companies, with a report viewing window for farmers. You can instantly view and share detailed hoof reports with your team, edit registered user details and set up automated requests so that everything runs like clockwork. Staying comprehensively connected lets you react quickly to health concerns indicated in hoof reports ...
by Agrisys A/Sbased in DENMARK
With increasing focus on welfare solutions and documentation requirements, an AirSys bedding and straw system is the safe choice for the future. Manual allocation of bedding to the animals is both a physical and time-consuming task, which means that it can be a challenge to ensure the animals permanent access to fresh rooting material. With an AirSys Welfare system, bedding is automatically ...
Manufactured by Interspec, LLCbased in USA
A powerful graphic interface allows for the insertion of actual site photographs, maps and artistic renderings of a project. This graphic interface provides an instant visual identification of problem areas within the ...
based in USA
The original solution for gaining more control over every aspect of your operation. As a mill manager, you know how important it is to reduce uncertainties around inventory, margin and pricing, maintenance, energy usage, and more. Feed Mill Manager™ solution gives you more control over every aspect of your operation, no matter the size of your ...
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