Livestock Downloads
PRRSV Check ELISA for Veterinary Diagnostics - Manual
1 Introduction 1.1 Intended use The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) poses one of the most serious threats to the herd health status and the profitability of pig farms connected with it. In order to combat these risks, PRRSV CHECK ELISA represents a new test generation for screening, thanks to its particularly simple and reliable performance. PRRSV CHECK ELISA is an ...
1 Introduction 1.1 Intended use The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, PRRSV, with pigs poses one of the most serious threats to the herd status and the profitability of pig farms connected with it. In order to combat these risks, PRRSV CHECK ELISA (order number: 847-0104000120) represents a new test generation for proving the contact with the virus, thanks to its particularly ...
BUCHI - NIR-Online Multipoint System - Brochure
NIR-Online Multipoint System Control your entire process most economically Extensive process expertise Complete process solutions from requirement engineering to long-term technical and application support BUCHI NIR-Online solutions enable continuous monitoring of key parameters such as moisture, protein, fat, ash, starch, fiber or residual oil at every process step. Innovative Multipoint heads ...
Analysis of Food and Agricultural Samples Using PlasmaQuant MS - Special Application Note
1. Introduction Agricultural products play a significant role in the daily uptake of nutrients and fibers to maintain good health. The agricultural products and resulting foods contain nutritional elements in various concentrations but also elements deemed to be toxic to humans and/or animals. Besides the organically bound elements: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, there are more than 30 ...
OSEI Applied to Puddle Gasoline or Diesel to Determine the Time to Render the Fuels Non-flammable Brochure
?????????????????????????? ?????? April?21,?2003???APPLYING?OIL?SPILL?EATER?II?(OSE?II)?TO?PUDDLED?GASOLINE?OR?DIESEL?TO?DETERMINE?THE?TIME?TO?RENDER?THE?FUELS?NONFLAMMABLE.???OSEI,?Corporation,?along?with?a?Texas?Fire?Chief,?Tested?OSE?II?for?16?hours?to?determine?the?non-flammable?point?of?gasoline?and?diesel?once?OIL?SPILL?EATER?II?(OSE?II)?has?been?applied.????There? were? different? size? ...
NIRMaster Feed & Forage Brochure
Production of compound feeds is a complex matter. Accurate and meaningful nutritional facts are most important. Understanding customer needs in the feed and forage industry, BUCHI has de-signed the fi rst standalone FT-NIR Spectrometer specifi cally for that industry – the NIRMasterTM.Feed and ForageNIRMaster™33. Quality control of finished feedsAt production site:Rapidly release products ...
Flyer Feed and Feed Ingredients Brochure
calibrationpackages Feed & Feed IngredientsN500-001Basic Package NIRFlex SolidsComprising:NIRFlex N-500 Polarization InterferometerNIRFlex Solids measurement cellPetri Dish Add-on for NIRFlex Solids incl. set of petri dishesNIRWare 1 software CD incl. License BasicIQ/OQ Manual NIRFlex N-50092220 en 0801 / Technical Data subject to alterations / Quality System ISO 9001BUCHI India Private Ltd.201, ...
AG-STIK - 599A - Systems Datasheet
applications: • Agriculture • Irrigation • Fertigation • Holding Tanks/ponds • Turf • Dairy • Aquaculture • and others ...
Falcon - Model Ø 40-45-60 - Chain Transport Systems - Brochure
The Falcon Company was the first in the world to use a chain transport system with plastic disks inserted at regular intervals. The chains moves the feed through the circuit at high speed; the flexibility of the chain allows it to be used in any situation. The chain movement is provided by a drive unit. The feed is introduced into the circuit via a hopper; the material can be delivered at any ...
By Falcon Srl
Versa - Model ID891 - Silage Bagger - Brochure
The ID891 Versa Silage Bagger is our side-loader model that efficiently stores silage and byproducts. The Versa ID891 is equipped to handle side-delivery wagons and trucks, and recommended for 175 HP (131 KW) tractor input with power take off. The Versa ID891 Baggers are available in three interchangeable tunnel sizes (8, 9, or 10 foot) which allow bagging of various commodities to fit ...
Versa - Model ID900N - Silage Bagger - Brochure
The ID900N Versa Silage Bagger is the leading heavy duty side-loader storage technology designed for forage wagons. The ID900N Bagger is a high capacity bagger able to keep up with larger choppers and bag up to 12-foot diameter bags, using tractors up to 240 PTO HP. The Versa ID900N Bagger is available in three interchangeable tunnel sizes – 9, 10 or 12 foot – which allow ...
Versa - Model ID912 - Silage Bagger - Brochure
The ID912 Versa Silage Bagger is a mid-sized model best fit with self-propelled single-harvesters and rear-loading trucks. Specially designed with a high-capacity intake table, the Versa ID912 comes with a 240 HP (179 KW) input and has unloading capacity of 7+ tons per minute. The Versa ID912 Baggers are available in three interchangeable tunnel sizes – 9, 10, or 12 foot – allowing ...
Specac - Monolayer/Grazing Angle Specular Reflectance Accessory - Manual
The Monolayer/Grazing Angle Specular Reflectance Accessory is a dual-purpose device for enabling both in-situ FTIR monolayer investigations of films at an air/liquid interface, and grazing incidence angle measurements of thin film coatings on solid reflective surfaces. The accessory can easily be switched from one measurement form to the other by simple changeover of the appropriate sample ...
By Specac
PEL - Model 200 - Low-Noise Compact Silage Wrap Tractor Balerc - Datasheet
The PEL 200 Baler is a low-noise compact baler which is ideal for smaller farms. It is the smallest unit in our range of Agri wrap balers and has the capacity to hold up 40-50 wraps. Create a cleaner, safer farming environment with the help of a PEL 200 ...
Determination of Selenium In Food Products, Feedstuffs, Fodders and Feed Raw Materials by Fluorimetric Method - Applications note
Lumex Instruments provides sensitive and selective fluorimetric method for the measurement of total content of selenium in the samples of food products, feedstuffs, fodders, and raw materials using the Fluorat-02 analyzer. ...
Eliopig Equipment - Catalogue
Eliopig s.r.l. is a company founded by engineers with extensive experience in the construction of biogas plants, nitrogen stripping, equipment and feeding systems for pig and cattle farms. Since its founding in 1980, thanks to the constant drive for continuous improvement, has developed a deep knowledge of issues related to farm management, thereby seeking to offer solutions to the breeder that ...
Breed Bio Energy - Institutional Catalogue
Eliopig s.r.l. is a company founded by engineers with extensive experience in the construction of biogas plants, nitrogen stripping plants, zootechnical equipment for pig and cattle farms. Since its founding in 1980, thanks to the constant drive for continuous improvement, the company has developed a deep knowledge of the issues related to farm management, as well as to biogas and nitrogen ...
Zeltex - Model EvoNIR 4.0 - NIR Evolution On-Board Analyzer - Brochure
EvoNIR 4.0 Analyzer with ISOBUS protocol can be connected to any virtual terminal with built-in ISOBUS task controller and can be installed on forage harvesters, combines, balers, forage wagons, slurry tankers, compactors, feed mixers and portable in a carrying ...
By Zeltex LLC
Texas Boom Company - Model TXCB - Cranberry Boom - Specifications Sheet
Cranberry boom is a floating barrier that is used to corral the cranberries after cranberry farmers have removed the cranberries from the vines. These lightweight yet durable booms are strung around the floating cranberries and allow the berries to be pulled towards the shore and concentrated at the preferred extraction point. These cranberry booms are an alternative to the traditional boards ...
TBC - Model TXFB - Fish Farm Boom - Specifications Sheet
Fish Farm Boom is used at commercial aquaculture and mariculture operations that raise and sell fish. The use of containment boom at fish farms provides numerous benefits. It concentrates the feed in a contained area, despite wind or waves. By corralling the fish food and keeping the feed away from the shoreline, it prevents the waste of feed that beaches. The use of Fish Farm Boom also keeps ...
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