Livestock Books
Argomenti S.I.Ve.M.P is the official body of the Italian Union of State Veterinarians, which includes all the directors of the National Veterinary Service. This quarterly magazine, with a peculiar graphic approach, is published in 5000 copies and sent to all the Union followers, to the health, political and administrative Authorities, to representatives of universities, to associations working ...
Settimana Veterinaria
La Settimana Veterinaria is part of the Italian veterinary editorial sector from 25 years now and is the first weekly professional magazine for vets. With 45 issues per year, every week it offer news concerning the professional, technical, scientific, political and trade union's world, with reports of congresses, in-depth reviews and interviews. Continuing education is guaranteed by ...
Veterinary Livestock Monthly Magazine
The veterinary monthly magazine Summa is made up by two magazines, one of which is completely devoted to livestock. Thanks to its captivating graphic layout and to a stronger collaboration with French, English and Italian authors, Summa is able to give vets the most up-to-date scientific information in order to meet the needs of a profession requiring a more and more accurate specialization in ...
Six Inches of Soil
Six Inches of Soil the film and this companion book is the inspiring story of British farmers standing up to the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food – to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities. How has it come to this point in our history that we hardly value the food we eat and the soil that it’s grown in? How is it that we ...
Dairy Cattle Welfare in Practice
Dairy Cattle Welfare in Practice takes a very practical approach, first outlining what welfare is, using the Five Freedoms as a baseline before making the business case for good welfare. It demonstrates how poor welfare can lead to economic losses and using case studies to show how welfare improvements have led to increased productivity. Assessing animal welfare on the farm is also covered and ...
Pigs Welfare in Practice
A concise practical handbook on high welfare standards in pig farming for people who work directly with animals. The aim is to improve animal health and farm profitability through introducing good husbandry practices and finding low cost solutions to improve welfare for the animals. Aimed at farmers, stockmen, food industry personnel and agricultural students, the book explains why welfare is ...
Fertilization and Irrigation - Theory and Best Practices
The book covers the essentials of plant nutrition and irrigation management. Throughout the 232 pages of the book, the author, Guy Sela, shares his knowledge on the most important aspects of crop nutrition and irrigation, including: Plant nutrients, fertilizer management practices, interpretation of soil analysis, irrigation water quality, fertigation, irrigation scheduling and more... ...
By Cropaia
555 Questions in Veterinary and Tropical Parasitology
Parasites are a major issue affecting animal health, welfare, and economic productivity. This book, designed to help you study anywhere, with any amount of time, provides 555 questions to test your ...
The Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers 4th Edition
The ever-changing world of cattle farming requires farmers to be up-to-date with best-practice procedures and the latest advances in husbandry techniques. Now in its 4th edition Roger Blowey’s updated version of the acclaimed A Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers deals with newly emerging problems in cattle farming as well as covering the necessary knowledge ...
Advanced Oil Crop Biorefineries
In Europe, the main oil-rich crops are sunflower, rapeseed and olive which are grown primarily for food. This book discusses how to convert this whole crop into energy (fuels, power and heat), food and bioproducts (chemicals and/or materials), whilst making optimal use of the by-products generated during farming/harvesting, primary processing (oil extraction and refining) and secondary processing ...
First Wave Agricultural Revolution
Alvin Toffler's First Wave began approximately 10,000 years ago. That time marked the end of the Old Stone Age (the Paleolithic) and the beginning of the New Stone Age or the Neolithic. This is approximately when the Agricultural Revolution started. People began clearing land and tilling the soil in order to plant crops as opposed to gathering what nature provided or failed to provide. They also ...
Fingerponds: Managing Nutrients & Primary Productivity For Enhanced Fish Production in Lake Victoria’s Wetlands Uganda
This study examines fingerponds in the Lake Victoria wetlands in Uganda. It discusses the importance of organic manure applications in enhancing nutrient levels, phytoplankton, and periphyton productivities and ultimately fish production. The study demonstrates that organic manures enhance algal development and fish production, emphasizing that close monitoring and control are needed. It explores ...
Environmental Management of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
Clean and environmentally sound disposal of animal waste in the quantities that Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) produce can only be described as a challenge. Designed to provide practical information, Environmental Management of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) covers the concepts and practices involved in the operation and maintenance of CAFOs, paying particular ...
The Economic Value of Wild Resources in Senegal: A Preliminary Evaluation of Non-timber Forest Products, Game and Freshwater Fisheries
The contribution of wild plants and animals to human welfare is widely appreciated but not routinely measured. Reliable and up-to-date information on the economic importance of wild resources is needed to ensure that development policies and investments take account of the full costs and benefits of alternative land uses. This report presents a summary of findings of recent research on the value ...
Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface
During a forum held at the Vth IUCN World Parks Congress in South Africa in 2003, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the IUCN SSC Veterinary and Southern Africa Sustainable Use Specialist Groups (VSG and SASUSG) brought together nearly 80 experts from Africa and beyond to develop ways to tackle the immense health-related conservation and development challenges at the wildlife/domestic ...
Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment
Phosphorus and its effect on the environment have become hotly contested issues by watershed managers, farmers, lakeside property owners, regulatory agencies, and politicians. This 1121 page monograph is a thorough discussion by 78 experts on topics ranging from the properties and sources of phosphorus in agriculture to strategies for its management in the environment. Learn about phosphorus and ...
Agrometeorology: Principles and Applications of Climate Studies in Agriculture
Agrometeorology: Principles and Applications of Climate Studies in Agriculture is a much-needed reference resource on the practice of merging the science of meteorology with the service of agriculture. Written in a concise, straightforward style, the book presents examples of clinical applications (methods, techniques, models, and services) in varying climates and agricultural systems, ...
Warm-Season (C4) Grasses
The only review of warm season and tropical grasses that covers all the major genera.' - James P. Muir, Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center The warm season grasses are the major forage resources for ruminant livestock production in the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. In the U.S. warm season grasses are also playing a major role in prairie restoration. A companion ...
Rehabilitation and Restoration of Degraded Forests
Large areas of the world’s forests have been lost or degraded and landscapes everywhere are being simplified by current land-use practices. In this publication, Lamb and Gilmour present approaches to restoring and rehabilitating the vast areas of degraded, fragmented and modified forests which cover much of the world. They argue that by applying best practice at the site level it is ...
Sustaining Soil Fertility in West Africa
Food security in West Africa is challenged by complex issues, including rapid population growth, exploitation of nonrenewable resources, and chronic low soil fertility, but in this text experts from world agricultural institutions share their work to provide solutions. Topics covered include soil microorganisms and organic matter, indigenous knowledge, new cropping systems, use of nonorganic ...
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