Cultivated Land | Agriculture XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
A Strawberry Farming Equipment - Wireless Soil Sensors in Efficient Strawberry Farming - Case Study
As the demand for freshstrawberries has increased over the years, so have the costs of producing theseberries. Due to this increase in demand and expense, many strawberry growershave begun looking at different strategies for growing strawberries more ...
Hydroponic agriculture - Advantages and Disadvantages
Hydroponic techniques emerged as a solution to the issues of growing directly on soil. Depending on the needs, the climate zone, the greenhouse and type of cultivation, we will be interested in ...
Modernizing agricultural practices in Pakistan
For generations, farmers in Dera Ismail Khan and Tank districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province have relied on traditional farming techniques passed down by their forebears. However, despite many of them struggling to make ends meet, the farmers have ...
Equipment & Solutions
Seed Drills
Based on the renowned New Zealand pasture slot-seeder, here is a European drill built with the new demands of the modern farmer in mind. You can sow any seed into any surface. Clovers, grasses, brassicas, cereals, pulses, maize and all mixtures into grassland, stubbles, ploughed and/or cultivated land and direct into standing cover crops.