Irrigation Magazines & Journals

3 magazines found
  • Plant and Soil

    Plant and Soil publishes original papers and solicited review articles that deal with the interface of plant biology and soil sciences, are of general interest, and provide a clear mechanistic component. This area includes both fundamental and applied aspects of mineral nutrition, plant-water relations, symbiotic and pathogenic plant-microbe interactions, root anatomy and morphology, soil ...

  • Agricultural Water Management

    The journal is concerned with the publication of scientific papers of international significance to the management of agricultural water. The scope includes such diverse aspects as irrigation and drainage of cultivated areas, collection and storage of precipitation water in relation to soil properties and vegetation cover, the role of ground and surface water in nutrient cycling, water balance ...

  • Irrigation Australia Journal

    The Irrigation Australia Journal is the official publication of Irrigation Australia Limited and is published quarterly. It is distributed free of charge to all IAL members and their nominated staff and branches. Non-members may subscribe for just $88 including GST, handling and postage. The Journal is the premier irrigation publication in Australia and is essential reading for anyone involved ...

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