Irrigation Books

44 books found
  • Fertilization and Irrigation - Theory and Best Practices

    The book covers the essentials of plant nutrition and irrigation management. Throughout the 232 pages of the book, the author, Guy Sela, shares his knowledge on the most important aspects of crop nutrition and irrigation, including: Plant nutrients, fertilizer management practices, interpretation of soil analysis, irrigation water quality, fertigation, irrigation scheduling and more... ...

    By Cropaia

  • Management, Performance, and Applications of Micro Irrigation Systems

    Management, Performance, and Applications of Micro Irrigation Systems, the fourth volume in the Research Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation series, emphasizes sustainable and meaningful methods of irrigation to counter rampant water scarcity. In many parts of the world, this scarcity significantly affects crop yield, crop quality, and, consequently, human quality of life. This important ...

  • Sustainable Micro Irrigation Management for Trees and Vines

    This valuable book, the third volume in the Research Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation series, focuses on sustainable micro irrigation management for trees and vines. It covers the principles as well as recent advances and applications of micro irrigation ...

  • Sustainable Practices in Surface and Subsurface Micro Irrigation

    This new book,Sustainable Practices in Surface and Subsurface Micro Irrigation, offers a vast amount of knowledge and techniques necessary to develop and manage a drip/trickle or micro irrigation system. The information covered has worldwide applicability to irrigation management in ...

  • Management of Drip/Trickle or Micro Irrigation

    This important book—the only complete, one-stop manual on microirrigation worldwide--offers knowledge and techniques necessary to develop and manage a drip/trickle or micro irrigation system. The simplicity of the contents facilitates a technician to develop an effective micro irrigation system. Management of Drip/Trickle or Micro Irrigation includes the basic considerations relating to ...

  • Practical Manual for the Monitoring and Control of Macrofouling Mollusks in Fresh Water Systems, Second Edition

    Since the publication of the first edition, several types of mollusks have become troublesome in regard to agriculture, water quality, irrigation, and industrial piping in general. For example, the quagga mussel has crossed the continental divide of North America and is now causing significant problems. This new edition features international case histories presenting mussel fouling problems and ...

  • Turfgrass and Landscape Irrigation Water Quality: Assessment and Management

    With the increased use of alternative irrigation water sources on turfgrass and landscape sites, their management is becoming more complex and systems-oriented. This book provides a comprehensive, science-based understanding of irrigation water quality. The text confronts each challenge associated with various water sources over the whole spectrum, from initial source to delivery system. Various ...

  • Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and Policies II

    This book contains most of the papers presented at the Second International Conference on Sustainable Irrigation, Management, Technologies and Policies. The meeting follows the success of the first Conference which was organised in Bologna in 2006. Over-exploitation of fresh water resources is leading to damaging long lasting environmental effects with considerable depletion of groundwater and ...

  • A New Approach of Sediment Transport in the Design and Operation of Irrigation Canals

    Understanding the behavior and transport of sediment allows efficient planning and reliable water delivery schedules, and ensures the controlled deposition of sediments, making maintenance activities more manageable. This book presents a detailed analysis of sediment transport in irrigation canals, together with physical and mathematical descriptions of the behavior. A mathematical model predicts ...

  • Irrigation of Agricultural Crops, Second Edition

    Irrigation is one of the most important human activities sustaining civilization. On average, irrigated crop yields are double those from unirrigated land. It has been estimated that to meet the needs of the 8 billion population by 2025, the irrigated area must expand more than 20% and irrigated crop yields must improve by 40% above current yields. The issues and the newest technologies are ...

  • Why Some Like It Hot

    'Mixing hard science with personal anecdotes, Nabhan convincingly argues that health comes from a genetically appropriate diet inextricably entwined with a healthy land and culture.' -Publishers Weekly Do your ears burn whenever you eat hot chile peppers? Does your face immediately flush when you drink alcohol? Does your stomach groan if you are exposed to raw milk or green fava beans? If so, ...

  • Development and Management of Irrigated Lands in Tigray, Ethiopia

    Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world. It is characterised by famine as a result of high population pressure, resource base degradation, and insufficient rainfall for rainfed agriculture. On the other hand, it is endowed with a huge annual water resource potential of about 110 billion cubic metres, a potentially irrigable land of 3.6 million hectares and a productive manpower of ...

  • Water Reuse for Irrigation: Agriculture, Landscapes, and Turf Grass

    Water reuse programs worldwide face a number of technical, economic, and regulatory challenges related to the long-term environmental, agronomic, and health impacts of the recycling of reclaimed water. Also, the economic benefit of water reuse in irrigation is difficult to determine, and must be weighed against environmental costs, making the decisions of wastewater engineers, administrators, and ...

  • Agrometeorology: Principles and Applications of Climate Studies in Agriculture

    Agrometeorology: Principles and Applications of Climate Studies in Agriculture is a much-needed reference resource on the practice of merging the science of meteorology with the service of agriculture. Written in a concise, straightforward style, the book presents examples of clinical applications (methods, techniques, models, and services) in varying climates and agricultural systems, ...

  • Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems: A New Century for Agricultural Formulations, 21st Volume

    STP 1414 emphasizes the external factors affecting the global growth of the agricultural industry, as well as new options available for formulating and delivering agricultural products to meet this global growth. It covers the latest developments and research in formulation ingredients methodology, application, and pesticide efficacy from a wide variety of sources, including industry and ...

  • Groundwater and the Environment: Applications for the Global Community

    Historically, water has been treated as an inexhaustible resource. However, with the growth of population and development of industry and agriculture, freshwater demand has increased drastically, and its shortage felt in roughly 60% of the Earth. As early as 1931, renowned Russian scholar A.P. Karpansky wrote: "Water is not only a mineral resource, not only a means for developing agriculture. ...

  • Applied Math for Water Plant Operators Set

    This third volume is a complete guide to the calculations required for water treatment. The text includes many worked examples, and calculations are summarized in each chapter. Includes a 522 page workbook. Topics covered include volume, flow and velocity, milligrams per liter to pounds per day, loading rate, detention and retention times, efficiency pumping, water sources and storage, ...

  • Turfgrass

    Beginning with a look at the turfgrass industry, introductory chapters cover historical aspects of research and education, current status of the industry, and artificial turf. A turfgrass physiology section focuses on ecological aspects, energy relations and carbohydrate partitioning, and stresses. The third section emphasizes soils and amendments, fertilization, and irrigation. A management ...

  • Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems

    Eighteen papers discuss: pesticide formulations; spraying techniques and/or low and ultra low volume applications employing oil carries, including subsurface drip irrigation and plant growth regulators; and granule ...

  • Towards the Rational Use of High Salinity Tolerant Plants

    The symposium on high salinity tolerant plants, held at the University of Al Ain in December 1990, dealt primarily with plants tolerating salinity levels exceeding that of ocean water and which at the same time are promising for utilization in agriculture or forestry. The papers of the proceedings of this symposium have been published in two volumes. This volume (1) deals with mangroves ...

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