Forestry Product Applications
Shredders for Waste Wood
The intelligent re-use of wood is not a new phenomenon – as one of the world’s oldest materials, this sustainable resource has been recycled and/or repurposed for thousands of years. But the global wood processing landscape continues to change extensively. In the UK, the Wood Recyclers Association has calculated that approximately 2.8 million tonnes (60%) of the country’s waste wood is being recycled – and that figure is expected to rise. In Austria, the forestry and wood processing ...
By Untha UK Ltd based in Boroughbridge, UNITED KINGDOM.
Applications and Air Pollutants Removed in the Fertilizer Industry
Wet Scrubbers, dry collectors, wet electrostatic precipitators and complete engineered systems for urea, MAP, DAP, TSP and AN Plant rotary dryers and coolers, reactors and ammoniation granulators, pug mills, rock acidulation, curing, storage and material handling operations to control emissions of: particulate, including phosphate rock dust, ammonium phosphate, ammonia, nitric acid, NOx, phosphoric acid, hydrogen fluoride, silicon tetrafluoride and sulfuric acid. Complete systems for scrubbing and ...
By Bionomic Industries Inc based in Mahwah, NEW JERSEY (USA).
Determination of the carbendazim content in orange and other citrus juice produce
Introduction Fungicide Carbendazim (Mercazole, Carbendazole) is widely used in agriculture to exterminate black mold (spot) on orange trees and treat fungus diseases of other fruit-bearing plants. According to the data of the World Health Organization, Carbendazim is toxic for liver, impacts reproductive system, and is considered to be a potentially cancerogenic compound. In most of the developed countries, the residual content of this fungicide is subject to national and international regulations. Researchers of ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Solution for wood industry
CPM and Roskamp Champion serve the wood industry with a complete line of pellet mills, hammermills and coolers. CPM enjoys the highest market share of pelleting equipment in the industry. CPM/Roskamp Champion equipment is known for its reliability, manufacturing excellence and quality ...
By CPM Europe BV based in Zaandam, NETHERLANDS.
Wood Chips Cover Protection for the Crop Farming Industry
A secure covering with Toptex protection fabric for wood chips enhanced the storing of wood chips at a dry and cost effective level. An optimum energy yield is achieved when safely improving the storing of the wood chips before taking advantage of their energy ...
By TenCate Geosynthetics Netherlands bv based in Hengelo, NETHERLANDS.
Water Heating Systems for Aquaculture / Water Cooling Systems for Aquaculture
Since 1988, Delta Hydronics has designed and installed numerous water heating and chilling solutions for life support systems using small equipment skid packages as well as large centralized mechanical systems for grow-out operations with mutiple heat exchangers and temperature requirements. Abalone farming Shrimp farming Tilapia farming Red Drum farming Trout farming Salmon farming Clams farming Many more When water temperature is critical for sustained growth and general health of commercial ...
By Delta Hydronics based in Hudson, FLORIDA (USA).
Metal Separators for Wood
REGULATOR-CETRISA, as manufacturer of metals separation equipment, offers different solutions for cleaning metal pollutants from ...
By Regulator-Cetrisa based in Gavà, SPAIN.
GIS software for forestry
GIS technology profoundly and positively impacts the way land managers, timber managers, and forestry specialists manage timber resources. Esri's GIS software helps foresters and land managers meet the needs of their forests, the demands of society, and the pressures of economic ...
By Esri based in Redlands, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Industrial Facilities
The dust generated at various times during the production and processing of materials in factories is often unpleasant and pollutes the environment. Such situations arise, for example, in steel production, when disposing of slag, in cement production or in the lumber industry. EmiControls products have the versatility and flexibility to be adapted to a wide and diverse range of situations, enabling measures to be taken that combat these sources of dust effectively and drastically reduce their levels inside and ...
By EmiControls based in Bolzano, ITALY.
Industrial manufacturing solutions for the wood industry
Wood products are manufactured by bonding wood material (e.g., veneer, fibers, particles, and strands) or agricultural fiber, typically with resin under heat and pressure. A number of pollutants are emitted from wood product manufacturing processes – acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde, methanol, phenol, and propionaldehyde – and abatement and product recovery are ...
By CECO Environmental based in Dallas, TEXAS (USA).
Forest Assessor
An easy-to-use e.Cognition ruleset to fully measure tree parameters. This ruleset has been developed and applied during the course of various projects with a large German State Forest Administration and other private forest owners. It is designed to create a polygon shapefile representing single tree crowns. It can process all types of forest stands, including very young and mature stands simultaneously. During the processing, a stand is divided into homogeneous groups based on tree height. Each group is then ...
By Digital Forest Information Planning and Consulting based in Buehl, GERMANY.
Industrial Engineered Plastic for the Forestry Industry
Diversified Plastics provides custom plastic components throughout the U.S. and abroad. Our parts fit a variety of applications in the forest product industry from OEMs to end users, from sorter system parts to urethane rolls to a variety of sprockets and gears. The use of plastic is endless in this industry. Uses: Lumber mills Panel plants Fiberboard / MDF / OSB Forest products is just one industry that is experiencing the long wear performance that plastic sprockets offer compared to traditional steel ...
By Diversified Plastics, Inc. based in Missoula, MONTANA (USA).
Stones & forestry machines for agriculture industry
Machines for crushing stones and maximize farmland by reclaiming rocky, overgrown and previously unusable ...
By Crushing Tech S.r.l based in Altamura (BA), ITALY.
Industrial process solutions for hemp oil extraction sector
Grinding for CBD Hemp Oil Extraction: The extraction of cannabidiol (CBD) from hemp can be achieved through a wide variety of methods. It has been common within large-scale systems, capable of extracting CBD oil from thousands of pounds of hemp a day, to use liquid solvent systems with butane, alcohol, hexane, or ethanol. Liquid solvent hemp oil extraction systems often have lower capital costs but also have drawbacks which can include working with flammable materials and purity considerations with the finished ...
By JWC Environmental based in Santa Ana, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Air pollution control (APC) equipments for forest industry
In the forest industry, it becomes increasingly important to improve energy efficiency. EnviBAT specializes in gas/gas heat exchange where heat is recovered from the outgoing gas streams, and mist gas condenser, where large amounts of heat can be recovered from the sulphate pulp ...
By Envibat Systems AB based in Skellefteå, SWEDEN.
Effective Cleaning of Plumbing & Disinfection of Water for Citrus
Oranges, lemons, limes and our process. The use of Puroxi (OB) for citrus is an important "tool'' to improve the quality of the most important nutrient - water. Doing a water analysis prior to any application is highly recommended. The use of Puroxi (OB) Water in the watering system of all life forms is extremely important. Even though we do not have solid proof we believe that we can assist in helping with greening in orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, kumquat and tangerine trees. Removal of infected trees could ...
By Puroxi Pure Water Global Inc. based in , BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Micro-irrigation systems for tree crops
The complete Plastic-Puglia systems for irrigation and fertigation of tree crops (such as hazelnuts, citrus groves, olive groves, vineyards) allow a greater yield of the crops and a saving on the available ...
By Plastic Puglia based in Monopoli, ITALY.
Steinstosser Machine Knives for Wood
Steinstosser machine knives are used in horticulture, forestry, agriculture, and land restoration for wood scraping. We manufacture heavy-duty and durable machine blades, chipper knives and counter knives for shredders and drum ...
By Schmachtenberg & Steinstosser - Buchholz Group based in Remscheid, GERMANY.
Disposal of dead trees, slash, and thinnings
Dead trees and wood from forest thinning can be chipped, dried, and converted to renewable energy while eliminating disposal costs. Disposal by gasification also has far lower particulate emissions than controlled burns and a lower carbon footprint than decomposition, since methane emissions from anaerobic decomposition are avoided. Decomposing wood reverts all of its carbon content to CO2, but gasification sequesters a portion of it as charcoal waste, usable as ...
By All Power Labs based in Berkeley, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Dead tree and forest thinning disposal
Dead trees and wood from forest management can be chipped and dried for gasification. The electricity generated can offset electrical costs while the consumption of waste wood offsets disposal costs. Disposal by gasification also has far lower particulate emissions than controlled burns and a lower carbon footprint than decomposition, since methane emissions from anaerobic decomposition are avoided. Decomposing wood reverts all of its carbon content to CO2, but gasification sequesters a portion of it as ...
By All Power Labs based in Berkeley, CALIFORNIA (USA).
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