Dairy Farming Videos
Why should i Bag Silage? - Video
Recorded for the American Farmer Television Program, this 12 minute video explains the cost savings and herd health benefits of bagging silage with Versa Baggers rather than using silos or pit methods for storing silage feed. Traditional methods of silage storage such as silos or pits can lose up to 20% of the usable feed every year. Versa customers experience almost zero loss. That allows a ...
Juan Carlos & Jose Villamide Share Their Experience With Pottinger Grassland & Harvesting Technology - Video
Together, the two farmers Juan Carlos and Jose Villamide operate two dairy farms with around 660 cows in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain. They rely on grassland harvesting technology from PÖTTINGER to provide their animals with the best possible forage and achieve high milk yields. Using NOVACAT mowers, HIT tedders, the MERGENTO merger and the JUMBO loader wagon prevents crude ash ...
Huber 4GS Flooring - A Farm Visit - Video
Steve Bartlam, North American Sales Manager, visits a Wisconsin farm that installed the 4GS Rubber flooring system. This customer converted their deep bedded barn and used this 4GS system with Agglorex foam. It's simple and easy to install. Cows stay clean, and knees and hocks stay healthy due to the improved grip and ...
By Agri-Comfort
Production of Almond Milk With PUC Disk Mill and PUC Colloid Mill - Video
Coarse milling with perforated disk mill PUC type 60, fine milling with colloid mill PUC type K120. Mixture: 10% whole almonds, remainder water. Particle size after milling 45 microns (D50 ...
Plug&Milk - Video
!With Plug&Milk You Don't Need To Change Liners Any ...
By Full-Laval
Bellmer Screwpress AKUPRESS F for Food Applications - Video
The new AKUPRESS F is optimally designed for applications in the food industry. It meets the highest hygiene standards and thus fully complies with the requirements of DIN EN 1672. Due to the enormous pressure build-up, the AKUPRESS F achieves optimal extraction of fruit and vegetable juices, coconut milk, corn or similar products. During development, special emphasis was also placed on the ease ...
By Bellmer GmbH
Powers Tank - Video
Biggest in Ireland? A 40,000 litre milk tank install completed in Callan, Co. Kilkenny. This customised tank ensured the maximum capacity for the space available minimising costs associated with building work etc The tank comes with a front access manway, LE300 controller with monitoring, a bottom fill system and a rear mounted ladder. All expertly installed by Joe Shields Refrigeration at Power ...
Q-BED Plant-Mec Ireland 2016 - Video
Q-BED is the latest machine developed by Plant-Mec Ireland. Designed to make the dairy farmers life easier, by cleaning off the dirty sawdust, rebedding with fresh material aswell as scraping and sweeping the slats clean! All this in one easy pass. ...
Agromilk Mobile Milking Machine Installation - Video
www.agromilk.hu ...
Fullwood QS parallel milking parlour - Video
Fullwood QS is a parallel dairy parlour offering 90 degree cow positioning. Read more and find information leaflets at ...
Fullwood Herringbone Milking Parlour - Video
Fullwood’s Herringbone milking parlour offers a conventional milking parlour for the dairy industry. Read more and find information leaflets at ...
AgroMilk 2x2x10 herringbone, 1000 camlel farm 3D demo - Video
Find us at: http://agromilk.hu/ or ...
Software overview | BROLIS HerdLine - Video
The BROLIS HerdLine software provides information about the health and productivity of dairy cows at the herd, group, and individual animal levels. The displayed data includes: milk composition, fat-to-protein ratio, health warnings for cows, average standard and raw yield per animal, energy-corrected milk recalculation coefficient, average income per ...
Agrobotics - Teat spray robot - Video
Robot voor het volautomatisch sprayen van koeien ...
Feeding Calves with the JFC Agri 340 Litre ATV Milk Kart - Video
The JFC Agri ATV Milk Kart with Mixer and Pump is the ideal solution for feeding your calves. Be sure to contact our sales team today to locate your nearest stockist. #Calving #Calving19 ...
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