Dairy Farming Services
The MGA range of ruminant minerals was devised by the MGA team as a result of research trips to France during which it became apparent that farmers were feeding standard maize diet specific minerals to their livestock. Not finding similar products back in the UK on our return we worked with Mole Valley Farmers, to develop our current range of milking, dry, grazing and youngstock minerals. One ...
based in USA
America’s farms and ranches are the front lines of our food supply. Keeping these facilities safe and secure is essential to animal health and well-being, in addition to ensuring the safety of our milk, meat, poultry and eggs and protecting the reputation of our industry. The Animal Agriculture Alliance’s farm security resources are intended to help farmers protect themselves and ...
Manufactured by LAKTO Dairy Technologiesbased in TURKEY
Don't you want to get the best quality / comprehensive / economical service as soon as possible? Let's tell you a secret. LAKTO farms do not stop milking, technical failure is not experienced… In LAKTO After Sales Services; Whether it's periodic maintenance of your milking machine or the search for equipment in line with your needs, we offer you and your farm the highest quality service ...
based in GERMANY
Are you a manufacturer of premixes, mineral feed, supplementary feed, concentrated feed, complete feed, milk replacers, additives, diet feed, pet food or special feed? Are you looking for software for feed calculation, optimization, and labeling? More than 50 % of all feed firms in Germany use HYBRIMIN® WinFumi for formulation and optimization as well as for labelling. HYBRIMIN® WinFumi ...
Manufactured by Urban GmbH & Co. KGbased in GERMANY
We know the day-to-day challenges involved in professional livestock rearing inside out. And we know there's more to it than just feeding. Equally as important if not more so are questions such as: What requirements are there? What does the ideal barn for calves, lambs or kids look like? And how is the optimum location configured? Urban considers rearing holistically. Our extensive ...
We have been in this business for more than 160 years and we apply our experience to a broad portfolio of commodities. It includes Oilseeds, Grains, Rice, Feed, Freight, Finance, Juice, Cotton, Coffee, Sugar, Metals, Dairy and Fertilizers & Inputs. We participate in industrial scale sugarcane activities through Biosev, our sister company in Brazil, where we operate 12 sugar mills. ...
Manufactured by LAKTO Dairy Technologiesbased in TURKEY
Design is very important in a livestock business. Considering that the economic life of the farm should be at least 25 years, all kinds of structuring in the enterprise, technology selection, feed programs, technical staff and manager training, feed plant production, annual planning, preparation of work packages for each sub-unit in the enterprise and projecting to include the necessary ...
based in CANADA
Ketosis is a common metabolic disease that affects cows in early lactation. Affected cows may exhibit clear clinical signs of ketosis (off feed, production drop, firm dry feces, occasional nervous signs) but very often, signs will not be noticeable and ketosis will be at the subclinical level. Studies have shown that subclinical ketosis results in lower milk production, higher incidence of ...
by Rovecombased in NETHERLANDS
As a specialist feed advisor you use your own knowledge and practical experience to arrive at excellent feed advice. All the data you have collected from an operation is used in FeedExpert to calculate a tailor-made dietary ration. This data might for example be milk tests and silage results, which can be entered automatically. But you also consider specific circumstances for the operation which ...
Manufactured by Milkron GmbHbased in GERMANY
Before the detailed planning begins, there are of course plenty of questions to be clarified first – and for all of these Milkron will join with you in finding the right answers. Thanks to our long years of experience in the dairy sector, we can support you in the following ...
Manufactured by Buttimer Engineeringbased in IRELAND
The Design team at Buttimer Engineering is concerned with all pre-installation feasibility, layout and detailed design, as well as required performance or equipment specification for a ...
Distributed by CIDEC LLCbased in USA
CIDEC starts on your project in CAD for the reason stated above. Your mind can change during the design process easier than during the construction process. We focus on more than the parlor. Often the milking equipment contractor stops at the end of the holding area. CIDEC starts with cow flow and personnel flow, then to the parlor. You can see a difference in our designs. We look at forming to ...
Manufactured by Eskaps (India) Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
All tests boil down to four major disciplines – Mechanical, Electrical, Biological and Chemical. Eskaps is one of the few testing labs in India that has the capability and skill-set to service all the disciplines. Our laboratory is very well equipped with all the latest and sophisticated state of art instruments. All tests and analysis are handled by highly experienced and qualified ...
Manufactured by EKOMILK HORIZON Ltd.based in BULGARIA
The instrument maintenance is completely supervised via the Instrument diagnostics and maintenance guidance program at the cloud-based Animal Monitoring Platform ...
Manufactured by Corkill Systems Ltd (CSL)based in NEW ZEALAND
Along with the Corkill Systems products we install, we cover everything, including Dairy Vacuum Pump and Dairy Milk Pump repairs through full consultation and design. ...
Manufactured by Funke-Dr. N. Gerber Labortechnik GmbHbased in GERMANY
Since the foundation of the company in the year 1904, our activities concentrated on the analysis of milk. Now, after 100-year abstinence, we are pleased to be able to do a contribution for the analytics of beer. Based on our experiences in milk testing, we developed a new device, "FermentoFlash". Our standing delivering range comprises the entire range of beer analytics. Please, if you have ...
Distributed by Cookstown Dairy Services Ltdbased in IRELAND
Should you require service please contact Cookstown Dairy Services LTD. Servicing your equipment is an important part of protecting your investment, so that you can care for your herd. This includes service support from over 15 milking machine technicians who are certified under the Irish Milk Quality Co-operative Society ...
The objective of the MSTA scheme provides: Benchmarking, monitoring and assessment of competence of technicians and others in the milking equipment sector. Encouragement and recognition for employers, technicians and other employees who commit to continual professional development in pursuit of technical support excellence. MSTA has been developed by the Milking Equipment Association (MEA), the ...
Organized by China International Import Expo Bureaubased in CHINA
Introduction to the Shipping and Logistics Services Provided by COSCO SHIPPING for CIIE. China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited (COSCO SHIPPING) is the world largest shipping company as well as a Fortune Global 500 company. It highlightsthe “6+1” industrial clusters layout: the 6 industrial clusters include shipping, logistics, finance, equipment manufacturing, shipping services and ...
Manufactured by Star Blendsbased in USA
Understanding the markets can be complicated. Our in-house purchasing team is ready to assist you. From finding a spot load or setting up a contract for the next year, we want to ensure you are comfortable and confident in your feed ...
Need help finding the right suppliers? Try XPRT Sourcing. Let the XPRTs do the work for you