Dairy Farming Books

11 books found
  • Dairy Cattle Welfare in Practice

    Dairy Cattle Welfare in Practice takes a very practical approach, first outlining what welfare is, using the Five Freedoms as a baseline before making the business case for good welfare. It demonstrates how poor welfare can lead to economic losses and using case studies to show how welfare improvements have led to increased productivity. Assessing animal welfare on the farm is also covered and ...

  • The Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers 4th Edition

    The ever-changing world of cattle farming requires farmers to be up-to-date with best-practice procedures and the latest advances in husbandry techniques. Now in its 4th edition Roger Blowey’s updated version of the acclaimed A Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers deals with newly emerging problems in cattle farming as well as covering the necessary knowledge ...

  • Why Some Like It Hot

    'Mixing hard science with personal anecdotes, Nabhan convincingly argues that health comes from a genetically appropriate diet inextricably entwined with a healthy land and culture.' -Publishers Weekly Do your ears burn whenever you eat hot chile peppers? Does your face immediately flush when you drink alcohol? Does your stomach groan if you are exposed to raw milk or green fava beans? If so, ...

  • Advances in Cattle Welfare

    Advances in Cattle Welfare provides a comprehensive overview of contemporary issues in dairy and beef cattle welfare research. The volume takes a novel approach, with the animal’s perspective in mind when, for instance, considering housing systems or feeding practices. Opening with an overview of cattle production systems, the book covers the three major areas of cattle welfare research: ...

  • Fresh Herbage for Dairy Cattle

    Product quality and a sustainable food chain of ruminant products are largely determined by animal nutrition, in which forage is the major feed source. Forages and grasslands play a unique role in agriculture because they contribute through animals to our food supply and to the abatement of environmental problems. Interest in grassland management and grass utilization for dairy production in ...

  • Fresh Herbage for Dairy Cattle

    Product quality and a sustainable food chain of ruminant products are largely determined by animal nutrition, in which forage is the major feed source. Forages and grasslands play a unique role in agriculture because they contribute through animals to our food supply and to the abatement of environmental problems. Interest in grassland management and grass utilization for dairy production in ...

  • Animal Feed Formulation

    Students in animal science, industry personnel involved in the feeding of animals, and professionals working for feed-mixing companies will all benefit from this current, comprehensive package - a text on the economic and nutritional aspects of feed formulations that optimize nutritional content while minimizing costs. Animal Feed Formulation applies a well-tested, easy-to-use computer ...

  • Rural Property Valuation- Print + PDF Package

    Rural Property Valuation provides up-to-date information on the many forces that affect agricultural and ranch properties in the United States. It lays the groundwork for a broad understanding of rural properties and offers specific data and analytical tools appraisers can use in their daily work. The text offers a rural perspective on appraisal basics such ...

  • Impact of Pollution on Animal Products

    The importance of pollution in Central Asia is a well-known feature but references mainly concern the impact of environmental failures on human health. The role of animals at the interface of the contamination of resources for animal feeding and drinking, and human consumption of animal products has been little studied. Yet, animals play three roles in the links between environment and human ...

  • Professione Allevatore

    Professione Allevatore is a technical fortnightly magazine for cow breeders. Its targets are milk and beef production, with focus on nutrition, genetics, management and technologies. Buffalo, goat and sheep management is also analyzed in the light of feed and food industry. ...

  • Impact of Pollution on Animal Products

    The importance of pollution in Central Asia is a well-known feature but references mainly concern the impact of environmental failures on human health. The role of animals at the interface of the contamination of resources for animal feeding and drinking, and human consumption of animal products has been little studied. Yet, animals play three roles in the links between environment and human ...

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