Agave Farming | Agriculture XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
Can genetic engineering help quench crops’ thirst?
Researchers around the world are exploring how GMO technology might boost food production under hot, dry conditions. Roger Deal is trying to figure out how plants remember drought. An assistant professor of biochemistry and genetics at Emory University, Deal says most plants have a kind of memory for stress. When experiencing water shortage, for example, plants close the holes in their leaves, ...
Desert Year: Robust Economy and Lessons of the Sonoran Agave
Guest Blogger, Energy Efficiency Markets Reposted from Real Climate Economics August 17, 2011 John ‘Skip” Laitner is an economist, enjoying a desert year while on research sabbatical ...
Pedro Torres and Horticultorres Introduces New FibreDust Products in Mexico
In the summer of 2015, Pedro Torres Plaza founded Horticultorres S. de R.L. de C.V., a new company active in the field providing horticultural supplies and consulting to the Mexican greenhouse industry. Before the start of Horticultorres, Torres, ...
Equipment & Solutions
Crumbles® Feedstocks
Our patent-protected Crumbles® feedstocks are designed to meet your project’s specifications.