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Composting Training Courses

3 training items found
  • based in USA

    The California Compost Manufacturing: Principles & Practices (CM:PP) course consists of a two day Livestream course and an optional third day Facility Tour (self-driven) which is designed to expand or refresh your knowledge of the compost production process and begin your certification as a composting industry professional. The course is best suited for those who need an in-depth ...

  • We offer training via live, on-site programs and via webinars and other virtual programs to accommodate the needs of international audiences and teams in multiple locations. Our trainings are geared to the following audiences: Brand, and marketing managers, sustainability directors, product designers, legal staff and others looking to understand the strategies, tools, and frameworks for effective ...

  • based in USA

    This 40-hr, 5-day course focuses on giving you the knowledge you need to run a successful composting facility, whether you’re just getting started or have been composting for a while. In addition to in-depth lectures, the course provides hands-on practice through indoor and outdoor activities as well as tours to local facilities, where the theories meet reality. From compost operators to ...

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