Composting Product Applications
Composting is an aerobic, auto-thermophilic biological process, designed to reduce the volume of biodegradable organic waste by converting a portion of the carbon to carbon dioxide through respiration. Ecological Laboratories formulations are easy to incorporate into most composting processes. Our products are highly stable preparations of bacteria that includes aerobic heterotrophs (several of which are thermophiles), facultative anaerobes, anaerobes, chemosynthetic and photosynthetic organisms capable of ...
By Ecological Laboratories, Inc. based in Cape Coral, FLORIDA (USA).
Pellet Classification for the Composting Industry
By Seid based in Sandnes, NORWAY.
Advanced biotechnology solutions for pig farming industry
Air emissions attributed to animal agriculture consist of odorous and gaseous compounds as well as particulate matter associated with manure and animal management While localized problems associated with odor tend to get highlighted, gaseous compounds that get released into the atmosphere, such as ammonia and bioaerosols, plus wastewater runoff are becoming major regulatory issues and producers are now being forced to look at more effective measures of treatment and ...
By Micronomix, LLC based in Ocala, FLORIDA (USA).
Waste control and odor elimination technologies solutions for compost industry
Composting organic matter provides a great value for produce growers and our planet. Working with decomposing matter can be challenging, however, with strong, unappealing odors released as material breaks down. DPI GLOBAL offers organic compost activator solutions that increase valuable nitrogen content while reducing ...
By Distributors Processing, Inc. (DPI) based in Porterville, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Composting systems for institutional kitchens
Our clients are primarily tenant-owner's associations, housing firms, building companies, schools and institutional ...
By Joraform AB based in Laholm, SWEDEN.
Machines and plants for compost oversize
By Promeco SpA based in Fino Mornasco (CO), ITALY.
Waste Disposal System for Organic Disposal
Organic waste accounts for about half of household waste, can be further composted by biodegradation method or anaerobic treatment to produce biogas. Due to the different size and property of kitchen waste, it has certain difficulty to handle the material at the early stage. Harden has introduced German technology to develop organic waste processing system which mainly contains spiral feeding, shredding, dehydrating, spiral discharging, fermentation, composting, etc. The volume of kitchen waste can be reduced by ...
By Harden Machinery Ltd. based in Zhongshan City, CHINA.
Composting systems for building companies
Our clients are primarily tenant-owner’s associations, housing firms, building companies, schools and institutional ...
By Joraform AB based in Laholm, SWEDEN.
Covered Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting
Technology Insight on Covered Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting System. Benefits include reduction in odors and emissions, composting retention time and operator ...
By Managed Organic Recyling, Inc (MOR) based in San Luis Obispo, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Grinder applications for seeds
Biomass fuel /anaerobic digestors ...
By ITS srl based in Cesano Boscone (MI), ITALY.
Composting systems for schools
Our clients are primarily tenant-owner’s associations, housing firms, building companies, schools and institutional ...
By Joraform AB based in Laholm, SWEDEN.
Waste Composting for Livestock Breeding
Aware of the risks of nitrate pollution, livestock breeders and farmers are looking for solutions in order to enhance their liquid and solid ...
By Menart based in Dour, BELGIUM.
Waste processing and composting solutions for waste and recycling industry
QM Environmental Services offers a range of products that can help to improve the processing and composting of organic waste forms or to solve odour problems associated with the transport, storage and processing of waste in ...
By QM Environmental International B.V. / QM Environmental International based in The Hague, NETHERLANDS.
Mushroom Growing Netting for the Crop Farming Industry
The world’s population consumes an enormous amount of mushrooms each day. To meet this demand, highly efficient and hygienic production methods are required to deliver quality mushrooms on-time. Because of their proven performance and reliability, TenCate materials have become the mushroom and composting industry standard for pulling nets. For instance, the indoor composting process for mushroom substrate uses a lot of energy. High energy prices have pushed composting companies to look for ways to reduce ...
By TenCate Geosynthetics Netherlands bv based in Hengelo, NETHERLANDS.
Composting systems for construction sites
Our clients are primarily tenant-owner's associations, housing firms, building companies, schools and institutional ...
By Joraform AB based in Laholm, SWEDEN.
Small Scale Organic Fertilizer Plant - 800 kg/h
Whirlston Organic Fertilizer Machinery provides profitable fertilizer business ideas for new investors in organic fertilizer field. If you want to start a fertilizer business, it is wiser to choose a small scale plant which is simple to start, and manage ...
By Whirlston Organic Fertilizer Machinery based in Znengzhou, CHINA.
Waste Disposal System for Kitchen
Kitchen waste refers to household waste which is perishable and includes organic matter, mainly including vegetable leaves, fruit skin and shell, fish bone, leftover, tea leaves, expired food, etc. Kitchen waste accounts for about half of household waste, can be further composted by biodegradation method or anaerobic treatment to produce biogas. Due to the different size and property of kitchen waste, it has certain difficulty to handle the material at the early ...
By Harden Machinery Ltd. based in Zhongshan City, CHINA.
Sustainable microbial products for animal waste treatment
The University of Illinois Animal Sciences Department study has found that one 1,400 pound dairy cow produces 115 pounds of manure per day and approximately 21 tons per year. In fact, a dairy with 1000 animals is equivalent to the waste produced by a city of 164,500 people*. Handling all that waste is not only a health issue for animals but also draws the attention of many governmental agencies that want to limit any potential downstream exposure of groundwater ...
By based in Armada, MICHIGAN (USA).
Organic residue treatment for the food industry
In the field of energy, the industry continuously relies and depends on the supply of fossil fuels. Due to the ongoing increases of energy costs and the major dependence in relation to the production processes, an alternative energy source is advisable for the ...
By Colsen International b.v. based in HULST, NETHERLANDS.
Biodegradable Plastics for Agricultural Products
In agricultural and horticultural applications biodegradable plastics offer you great sustainable potential. Make your plant growing tools with a biodegradable polymer and you can treat your plant and plastic waste together and save cost to separate the plastics from compost. Our PBS and PBAT resins are the compostable alternatives for PP and ...
By PycnoPlast based in Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS.
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