Agricultural Composting

Articles & Whitepapers

  • Lessons From the Field - Sean Croft - Case Study

    Lessons From the Field - Sean Croft - Case Study

    Sean Croft, of Arahura Farms, is one of Australia’s largest organic carrot growers and is interested in improving soil management practices through permanent beds, controlled traffic, using compost and the introduction of beneficial microbes into the soil profile. From Sean’s perspective “We’re always looking at ways we can do things better. We’ve researched compost ...


  • Update on EPA release of clopyralid interim decision

    Update on EPA release of clopyralid interim decision

    Losing the battle but winning the war? The U.S. EPA released its clopyralid interim decision (ID), and it’s not all bad news! The EPA released the ID on the reregistration of clopyralid on March 18, and, while we did not get much of what we ...

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