Aerobic Composting | Agriculture XPRT
Articles & Whitepapers
What treatment and equipment are needed to produce organic fertilizer?
Process flow of organic fertilizer production line: 1. Fermentation Fermentation is the first step in the production of organic fertilizer regardless of its configuration. The manure is collected and mixed with hay and rotten silage to make compost and let it ferment. In the process of fermentation, compost turning machine is used to make the manure fully ferment. Modern aerobic composting is a ...
Organic fertilizer production technology - aerobic composting technology
Aerobic composting technology is an important technical means for the disposal of organic waste, especially suitable for the realization of fertilizer and substrate of agricultural solid waste. For ...
Fermentation Process for Organic Fertilizer Production
The organic fertilizer production line includes: compost turning machine, crusher, feeder, horizontal mixer, organic fertilizer granulator machine, dryer, cooler, screening machine, weighing and packaging machine. This organic fertilizer production ...
Equipment & Solutions
Aerobic Composting Unit
he BioSpeed units optimize and maintain a perfect aerobic composting environment. Specialized, self-sustaining microbes are pre-added to the machine to decompose the organic waste. The automated systems monitor and control the heat of the mass to optimal thermal levels for rapid decomposition of the waste. The agitation unit moves the mass keeping constant contact with the microbes, providing ...