Aquaculture Equipment & Supplies
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
Feed Additive Blend – Microbial Supplement for Poultry – 5 Billion CFU/g. Ecological Laboratories, Inc’s spores are very amenable to incorporation into a variety of types of animal feed, including pelleted and extruded feed. Multilevel quality assurance processes extend far beyond our doors. Purity and microbial concentration is guaranteed for consistent and superior biological ...
PremiumManufactured by Aquaintech Inc. (AITI)based in USA
Shrimp MultiPath is a smart detection system that cuts testing costs for prawn farmers and transforms how shrimp diseases are managed globally. We now have the ability to detect 13 pathogens, including most that severely impact shrimp aquaculture, in a single test and identify genetic variations of relevant pathogens. We can validate every test result, quantify infection severity, and validate ...
PremiumManufactured by Aquaintech Inc. (AITI)based in USA
Chlorion contains n-chloro-para -toluene sulfonamide sodium salt. It is effective against the entire spectrum of viruses, bacteria and fungi that can cause disease in farmed animals such as poultry, swine, beef, fish and shrimp. It is not an antibiotic and breaks down into harmless components as the chlorine present does its ...
PremiumManufactured by Weda ABbased in SWEDEN
This cleaner has been designed in cooperation with Mainstay A/S, the worlds leading supplier of cleaners for fish net production plants. With the current development in the aquaculture market the demand for alternatives to net production facilities is growing fast. The Mainstay_Weda offers a cleaning solution for the new type of production plants may the be floating or on-land ...
PremiumManufactured by Inciner8 Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Bio-hazards can be catastrophic in the fish farming and aquaculture industries. Incineration is still seen as the most reliable and cost effective solution to this ongoing problem. Once you have commissioned an Inciner8 incinerator, any outbreaks or contaminations can be quickly spotted and dealt with using the incinerator at source. Livestock therefore suffers less, while the livestock industry ...
PremiumManufactured by Aquaintech Inc. (AITI)based in USA
MicroPRO+++ was developed as a means of delivering spores on a more or less constant basis. Far too many farmers have been persuaded to grow bacteria up on pond side for regular addition. This can be justified if it is done responsibly and correctly although the reality is that this is only useful from the standpoint of predigesting carbohydrate substrates that shrimp readily consume, ...
PremiumManufactured by Texas Boom Company LLCbased in USA
Features: 2" Sch 40 galv. Pipe thru. 2" Blue reflective band. White polyethylene shell. 24" Blue band. Completely urethane foam filled. Submerged Buoyancy— 240 Lbs. Net Weight— 32 ...
PremiumManufactured by Texas Boom Company LLCbased in USA
Features: 5/16" Eyebolt with 3” hoop. 1" Blue band. Swivel at bottom. 18" Diameter. White LLDPE shell. NOTE—Do not attach boat to top of buoy. Submerged Buoyancy— 100 Lbs. Net Weight— 13 ...
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
MICROBE-LIFT/Nutri-Pack contains the full complement of essential minerals and micronutrients required by almost all beneficial microorganisms, especially nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. By assuring that these beneficial microorganisms are not deficient in any essential minerals or micronutrients, the beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms in your pond, lagoon or wastewater system ...
PremiumManufactured by Brentwood Industries, Inc.based in USA
For an efficient nitrification in biofilters of recirculation aquaculture system (RAS), we offer the BIOdek biofilm carrier material as cross-fluted and as vertical flow ...
PremiumManufactured by Texas Boom Company LLCbased in USA
Durable spar-type float ideal for winter ...
PremiumManufactured by Eliopig S.r.l.based in ITALY
Eliopig helps you to develop highly technological interconnected plants, leading your firm to the future 4.0 of smart factories. Eliopig also deals with zero-km bio-economy, in order to allow your firm to transform waste and organic residues into ...
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
Specially formulated to keep farm retention and irrigation ponds clean and clear. The specialized bacteria in PBL and HCSC have been chosen to naturally eliminate organic waste and sludge while improving water quality and reducing nitrate compounds and phosphates. These undesirable compounds can lead to unwanted algae and weed growth. MICROBE-LIFT® bacterial products are safe for people, ...
PremiumManufactured by Aquaintech Inc. (AITI)based in USA
The fossil record shows that shrimp have been close to their current form for upwards of 350 million years. Clearly shrimp are high evolved and have developed a variety of mechanisms to ensure survival. Shrimp are invertebrates. They have no spine and their skeletons are outside of their bodies, unlike vertebrates that have an internal spinal column and whose skeletons are internal. Vertebrates ...
PremiumManufactured by Aquaintech Inc. (AITI)based in USA
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a highly infectious viral pathogen that causes mass mortality in farmed shrimp worldwide. WSSV is known as the most prevalent, widespread and lethal to most of the commercially cultivated shrimp species. Infected shrimp species include, among others, Penaeus monodon, Marsupenaeus japonicus, Litopenaeus vannamei and Fenneropenaeus indicus. Transmitted ...
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
MICROBE-LIFT/Professional Blend Liquid is a blend of microbes that contain specially formulated strains of bacteria manufactured for use by landscape, irrigation & pond ...
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
MICROBE-LIFT / DFM Microbial Blends are a cost effective and environmentally friendly option to manage Aquaculture Systems that often struggle with the overstocking of farms and the creation of excess waste. There is a strong correlation between FCR (food conversion ratio) and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. Our AQT formulations are specially formulated to help inhibit the loss of biodiversity ...
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
MICROBE-LIFT/BMC kills developing mosquitoes before they become breeding, biting adults, including those which may transmit West Nile Virus and Equine Encephalitis, and those which may transmit Heartworm disease to dogs and cats. MICROBE-LIFT/BMC can be applied to areas used by or in contact with humans, animals, horses, livestock, pets, birds or wildlife. MICROBE-LIFT/BMC can be applied to areas ...
PremiumManufactured by Aquaintech Inc. (AITI)based in USA
A tableted mixture of powerful strains selected for their ability to degrade organic material. Each tablet contains approximately 4 billion CFU of spores per gram total of Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis spores. These bacteria degrade organic matter, ammonia, and compete against other bacterial species. Tablets come in multiple sizes (135 mg, 1 gm, 3 gm, 5 gm, 16gm) and we offer private ...
PremiumManufactured by Falcon Srlbased in ITALY
Drop Tube Discharge Joints With Transparent Tube and Timed Level Sensor. Spiral transport systems Ø63mm or chain systems Ø45/60mm. Start from one or more external silos. Ability to distribute two different types of feed. Fully automatic robot filling system. Simple and reliable system that reduces management ...
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