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Aquaculture Product Applications

152 applications found
  • Premium

    JC 9465 Eliminates Zebra Mussels

    JC 9465 has been proven to kill Zebra Mussels faster and with a significantly lower cost compared to traditional removal methods. ...

    By Jenfitch INC. based in Walnut Creek, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Premium

    Advanced technology solutions for aquaculture industry

    Fish welfare and efficient operations. Our sensors are your eyes below the water, whether or not you are able to go to site. We give you the data you need to manage the site efficiently with our aquaculture monitoring ...

    By Aanderaa, a Xylem Brand based in Nesttun, NORWAY.

  • Premium

    Water quality monitoring for aquaculture industry

    A clean and pathogen free water source is essential to prevent infections from being introduced and spreading in a hatchery. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection of water for inactivation of pathogens is recognized as a safe and effective method for use in the aquaculture industry. Continuous monitoring of water quality by measure of UV transmission (UVT) ensures the UV light is able to penetrate the water effectively and achieve the optimal ...

    By Real Tech Inc., part of ABB Group. based in Whitby, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • Premium

    FT-NIR analaysis for fish & seafood sector

    The global seafood market has greatly expanded due to advancements in fishing vessels, improvements in food processing and storage, and the development of the industry in new countries. While this expansion has increased market size and product choice for consumers, it has also brought on new challenges for quality testing as well as the expansion of illegal practices and fraud. Strict regulations exist but are difficult to enforce in practice. Visual inspection is usually insufficient to determine if a seafood ...

    By Galaxy Scientific Inc based in Nashua, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA).

  • Premium

    Pump and Dredge Solutions for Agriculture Industry

    Pump Applications. Shrewd agricultural producers in every state use Crisafulli's portable PTO powered trailer pumps for high-volume water transfer. A 16" Crisafulli will pump an acre-foot of water in thirty-three minutes. Farmers rely on Crisafulli Pumps to protect crop yields, by pumping water off rain-saturated fields, as well as supplying water to flood and furrow-irrigated farmland. Strawberry farmers in California and corn producers in the Midwest use their Crisafulli pumps to prevent flooding during heavy ...

    By SRS Crisafulli, Inc. based in Glendive, MONTANA (USA).

  • Premium

    Water treatment solutions for aquaculture industry

    The Aquaculture industry is one of the fastest growing segments in the agricultural industry accounting for over 1.13 billion dollars in the USA alone. However, this industry is suffering with several water quality challenges requiring sustainable aquaculture water treatment solutions to enhance fish health, and population yield while meeting environmental discharge regulations. The challenges facing aquaculture companies include emerging growth rates of specific bacteria and viruses, water usage, and ...

    By Genesis Water Technologies, Inc. based in Maitland, FLORIDA (USA).

  • Premium


    Ecological Laboratories’ aquaculture products represent the most environmentally compatible approach to handling common aquaculture problems. The reason for this is simple. All waste, particularly organic, must be recycled in nature order to continually replenish the critical building blocks of ...

    By Ecological Laboratories, Inc. based in Cape Coral, FLORIDA (USA).

  • Premium

    Direct Fed Microbials

    The use of beneficial bacteria is necessary to reduce the growth of intestinal pathogens and positively influence the immune system of various livestock. This will lead to better animal health and performance. Probiotics have multiple modes of action and global benefits for swine, poultry, cattle and aquaculture. Ecological Laboratories, Inc’s (ELI’s) biologically active formula contains a proprietary blend of bacterial strains that were selected for optimum enzyme production, assuring efficient ...

    By Ecological Laboratories, Inc. based in Cape Coral, FLORIDA (USA).

  • Premium

    Advanced FT-NIR Analysis for Agricultural Industry

    Agriculture is the science and art of cultivating plants and livestock. The agriculture industry started thousands of years ago and is currently one of the world’s largest industries. It employs more than a billion people and generates over a trillion dollars of products annually. Cutting raw materials and production costs while ensuring safety and quality is a daunting task to the Agriculture industry. The variation in ingredients and materials used in agriculture process presents challenges for quality ...

    By Galaxy Scientific Inc based in Nashua, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA).

  • Pumps for Fish Farming

    Durable, reliable & easy to maintain It is no secret that DESMI pumps are reliable, easy to maintain and durable (robust). That is why our pumps are well-suited to the sometimes harsh environment they are exposed to. Pumps from DESMI have been used for fish farming for more than 30 years and our knowledge of materials for both fresh and seawater means that we are able to deliver highly efficient pumps which can help to reduce production costs throughout the process regardless of whether they are on a ...

    By DESMI A/S based in Noerresundby, DENMARK.

  • Solution for the fish/seafood icing areas

    Fresh caught, processed fish and shellfish products requiring preservation of quality with ice. Ice is used at all points in the chain of handling fish and seafood - on board vessels during the catch, dock side to preserve the fish during transport to the market or processing area, central processing areas, and transporting of fish and seafood after processing requires continuous temperature control to maintain the best quality and extend the shelf life. The use of ice reduces bacteria or enzyme activity in ...

    By Vogt Ice LLC based in Louisville, KENTUCKY (USA).

  • Water monitoring equipment for fish hatchery support

    Boost your yields and cut costs through better risk mitigation. Continuous oxygen monitoring improves feed ratios, minimizes fish stress, and reduces fish disease and ...

    By In-Situ Environmental based in Fort Collins, COLORADO (USA).

  • Sustainable microbial products for animal DFM

    Traditional animal feed ingredients are primarily produced from corn, cereals, and wheat, and although those components provide much-needed nutrients for the animal, they are difficult to completely digest. If ignored, undigested food can cause weight loss, diarrhea, decreased production of bile, over-production of stomach acid and even ...

    By based in Armada, MICHIGAN (USA).

  • Wastewater treatment for the canning and fish industry

    They have a high content value for organic material, solids, oils and grease, with the added presence of nitrogen, produced particularly in the cleaning, descaling, peeling and bone extraction process. To avoid the problem of salinity, several components can be made using ASI ...

    By Toro Equipment S.L. based in La Cisterniga, SPAIN.

  • Process cooling and industrial comfort applications solutions for agriculture and farming industry

    The use of Refrigeration and Temperature control systems in AGRICULTURAL and FARMING applications is fundamental to preserve the freshness of the materials across the entire food supply chain, but also for their processing, during sorting, processing, packaging, and ...

    By HITEMA INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. based in Bovolenta Padua, ITALY.

  • Sea Lice Monitoring

    The development objective in this project is to provide fish farms a sensor that will detect the presence of the parasite larvae, long before they start to attach to the fish or become a production problem. As monitoring and treatment is targeted towards the adult parasite today, the knowledge gained from our system could potentially improve preventive treatment, planning and working models. It is estimated that the cost of control, treatment and reduced growth of infected fish in the salmon farming industry ...

    By FaunaPhotonics A/S based in Copenhagen SV, DENMARK.

  • Plant Nutrition

    Valuable seaweed ingredient for plant ...

    By Algea based in Kristiansund, NORWAY.

  • Waste Disposal System for Kitchen

    Kitchen waste refers to household waste which is perishable and includes organic matter, mainly including vegetable leaves, fruit skin and shell, fish bone, leftover, tea leaves, expired food, etc. Kitchen waste accounts for about half of household waste, can be further composted by biodegradation method or anaerobic treatment to produce biogas. Due to the different size and property of kitchen waste, it has certain difficulty to handle the material at the early ...

    By Harden Machinery Ltd. based in Zhongshan City, CHINA.

  • Absolute separation for the food and beverage sector

    As for firms which work in this sector, VITONE ECO produces horizontal axis centrifuges and vertical axis separators. These machinery optimize treatment processes, such as: effluents of food firms, which produce tomato puree; by-products with meat and fish; effluents of dairy firms; all kinds of vegetable juices, such as citrus fruits, wine, beer, ...

    By Vitone Eco S.r.l. based in Bitonto, ITALY.

  • Hydroponic Growing Media for Vegetables and Herbs

    Your hydroponic growing media should do several things: wick and retain water, provide a stable pH, drain well and not fall apart so your system stays clean. Quick Plug North America offers the hydroponic grower several product lines with these characteristics. Our FlexiPlug® and FlexiTray® growing medium is optimized for all industry standard systems: Nutrient Film Technique, Ebb & Flow, Deep Water Raft, Aeroponic, and Drip. We have been working with hydroponic and aquaponic companies all over the ...

    By Quick Plug based in South Portland, MAINE (USA).

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