Agriculture Management Training Courses
based in NEW ZEALAND
Plant & Food Research is a New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) accredited provider with over 40 years' experience in training and education. We provide industry training based on NZQA unit standards up to Level 7 on the National Qualifications Framework for staff in employment. The course requirements may include facilitated training, distance learning, on-job assessments or block ...
based in MALAYSIA
1. To provide detailed information on the concept of soilless culture and its application in Hydroponics Farming Technology Organic Farming Technology Aquaponics Farming Technology Auto Pot Farming Technology Plant Factory Technology 2. To provide detailed knowledge on hydroponics 3. To provide detailed knowledge on organics 4. To provide detailed knowledge on aquaponics 5. To provide ...
based in CANADA
Green Roof Plants and Growing Media provides participants with an overview of plants and growing medium design considerations and maintenance for green roof assemblies. It establishes design and implementation best management ...
This basic course in greenhouse vegetables will take learn your staff skills to produce vegetables at a professional level. We use soft- and hardware to support this training program. This program will partially take place in Netherlands and partly take place on ...
Manufactured by Fotosintetica & Microbiologica S.r.l.based in ITALY
F&M offers training at all stages, leading from strain isolation to algae biomass production and valorization ...
Manufactured by AMS Galaxy USAbased in USA
Free Technical Training for All of Our Customers. Whether it is automatic milking or feeding, every dairy farmer who uses our systems must be able to trust the process completely. Every day, all year long. We have a dedicated training center for this exact purpose. If you are looking for local help, our national network of Dealers is just a phone call away. These local businesses focus ...
DO YOU WANT TO BE A MAIN PART OF THE SUSTAINABLE DAIRY CHAIN? Become a successful CowSignals® Master. As a CowSignals® Master you will have an impact on the sustainable dairy chain, colleagues and farmers. But also on your competitors, because you are always one step ahead! By using the CowSignals® concept in your daily work you will be able to create more healthy dairy cows. And if ...
Manufactured by Argo Tractors S.p.A.based in ITALY
Ongoing technical training for dealership mechanics and trainers of subsidiaries and distributors enables Argo Tractors to offer highly professional service that always keeps up with evolving technology. This is the exact reason why Argo Tractors chose to offer dedicated training courses at their headquarters, and now also ...
based in MALAYSIA
What do know about honey farming with stingless bee? Stingless Bees Farming is a modern farming method for honey, pollen and propolis. Course will cover all aspect of stingless bee farming from startup, location selection, cultivating, maintenance, bee care, harvesting and farm ...
Manufactured by DEHONDT Technologiesbased in FRANCE
Dehondt Technologies is a certified training center. Training for mechanics and drivers on harvesting machines and for operators on transformation ...
based in USA
Solution: Small towns and rural communities need modern, reliable infrastructure to thrive specifically to maintain, modernize or build water and wastewater systems. When these systems are updated, you will find economic development and job growth. The USDA loan and grant program helps very small, financially distressed rural communities extend and improve water and waste treatment facilities ...
This 4-day Practical Aquaculture Course aims to arm the delegate who intends entering the Aquaculture Industry with additional information, practical skills and the disciplines associated with managing a commercial fish farm. We cover largely the same theory addressed on the DVD Course, but in additional ...
DIY AI can save you time and money by getting your cow inseminated at the right time without the cost or stress of waiting for the ...
by Growersbased in USA
We bring our trainers to your location so you get hands-on experience on how to quickly create and execute crop plans and variable rate ...
by AgVisionbased in USA
On-Line Support: If you already are an AgVision customer, we have created a full-featured customer support website just for you. Visit to access the Customer Portal. ...
based in USA
The SAEA exists to serve and connect educators, teachers, students, staff, and administrators who focus on the teaching and learning of sustainable agriculture at the adult ...
based in USA
We offer training via live, on-site programs and via webinars and other virtual programs to accommodate the needs of international audiences and teams in multiple locations. Our trainings are geared to the following audiences: Brand, and marketing managers, sustainability directors, product designers, legal staff and others looking to understand the strategies, tools, and frameworks for effective ...
Manufactured by METER Group, Inc.based in USA
Going by soil moisture data alone? Soil moisture data are useful, but they can’t tell you everything. Other strategies for growers and researchers, like plant and weather monitoring, can inform water management decisions. In this webinar, world-renowned soil physicist, Dr. Gaylon Campbell shares his newest insights and explores options for water management beyond soil moisture. Learn the ...
AIC runs a number of training course in the areas of Trade Assurance. The main areas covered are the application of UFAS, TASCC, FEMAS and ...
based in USA
This 40-hr, 5-day course focuses on giving you the knowledge you need to run a successful composting facility, whether you’re just getting started or have been composting for a while. In addition to in-depth lectures, the course provides hands-on practice through indoor and outdoor activities as well as tours to local facilities, where the theories meet reality. From compost operators to ...
Need help finding the right suppliers? Try XPRT Sourcing. Let the XPRTs do the work for you